2016-03-032014-10-21GONZAGA FALEIRO, F. R. Educação a distância na formação dos técnicos de nível médio em saúde: percepção dos diretores das escolas técnicas do SUS no Brasil. 2015. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5285In Brazil, Unified Health System’s Technical Schools (UHSTS) are reference to the qualification and training of allied health personnel in the health system. With the extensive development of information and communication technologies, distance education (DE) is presented as an alternative to train workers face to face method of teaching. This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of directors of UHSTS on the DE in training of allied health personnel for the UHS in 2013. An exploratory-descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative approach was carried out using an electronic questionnaire to collect data. The response rate was 80,5%. The results showed that the majority of respondents were female (72.4%); aged over 50 years (55.2%) and postgraduate (93,1%). The majority (86.2%) has participated in distance learning courses; 42% of the courses were specialization. With respect to courses/activities in distance education in UHSTS, they were developed in only 31% of schools; most were technical courses (42.2%), followed by training/improvement (26.3%) and specialization courses of higher level (21%); 89.4% were conducted in partnership with other institutions and among technicians, none was financed by the Ministry of Health (MOH). The positive points of DE in the training of allied health personnel in health highlighted by the directors surveyed in subcategories of analysis were: accessibility to courses; reduction absence from workplace; flexible schedules for the study; post-technical courses and theoretical subject. The difficulties identified in subcategories were: lack of technological infrastructure in the municipal districts; students' difficulties in accessing technological resources; unsuitability to all kinds of people; distance physics tutor/student; technical courses in health; financing installations and acquisition of equipment; training of qualified technical staff. It can be concluded that despite the distance education be regarded as an option to the decentralization of the courses of UHSTS, the perception of the directors on this modality qualification and training for allied health personnel was permeated with more hindering aspects than favorable points. The challenges mentioned could be better addressed through a distance education’s politics of MOH which embraced these workers.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação a distânciaEducação profissionalizantePessoal técnico de saúdeSistema Único de SaúdeEducation, distanceEducation, professionalAllied health personnelUnified Health SystemCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::SAUDE COLETIVAEducação a distância na formação dos técnicos de nível médio em saúde: percepção dos diretores das escolas técnicas do SUS no BrasilDistance education in training allied health personnel: perception of directors of SUS technical schools in BrazilDissertação