2017-07-072009-05-18CORREIA, M. H. S. Práticas e crenças maternas relacionadas à alimentação complementar de crianças no primeiro ano de vida. 2009. 211 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7481The appropriate nutrition plays a fundamental role in child development. Breast milk is the ideal food for the newborn, and exclusive breastfeeding is encouraged until the sixth month. From that age on, the introduction of other foods to attend nutritional needs which are no longer supplied by breast milk is encouraged. The introduction of complementary feeding involves biological, social, economical and cultural aspects. This study aimed to analyze the practices and beliefs related to complementary feeding of children in their first year of life from a group of mothers living in the Northwestern Region of Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil, who gave birth at Nascer Cidadão Maternity Hospital. lt is a qualitative research, based on Social Psychology, seeking to understand how personal beliefs influence the maternal behavior related to the complementary feeding. The data were collected by means of individual sernistructured interviews with fifteen mothers, after free and clarified consent. Data analysis comprised two-stage. lnitially, the interviews were transcribed and then analyzed using the content analysis technique (BARDIN, 2008), and after the establishment of the thematic categorias proceeds to discuss the beliefs, according to the Rokeach Model (1981). Four thematic categories were identified: "The complementary feeding", "Child's sensibility", "Quotidian's contingencies" and "Sources of references". The mothers' testimonies showed that the process of introducing complementary feeding is built from a web of information confronted with the beliefs of every one of those mothers. lt is a period when the mother sees herself under great responsibility. ln this process, there are severa! situations which demand decision-making based upon their beliefs. The observed reality, in the present work, evidences the necessity of a closer maternal accompaniment in the complementary feeding introduction stage, to value the positive aspects and try to discuss the practices that must be revised. The identified belief system structure reveals that maternal beliefs play a crucial role in the choices and practices that guide the introduction of the complementary feeding. The information is provided by different sources and each one of them contributes in the construction of maternal beliefs references. Acknowledging the belief system is an alternative for the heatth professionals to approach this group and act effectively in health care promotion.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNutrição do lactenteCulturaComportamento alimentarInfant nutritionCultureFeeding behaviorCIENCIAS DA SAUDEPráticas e crenças maternas relacionadas à alimentação complementar de crianças no primeiro ano de vidaPractices and beliefs maternal related to the complementary feeding of children in the first year of lifeTese