2019-07-172019-05-17SANTOS, A. M. A concepção de socialismo em Erich Fromm. 2019. 149 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9848The present work seeks to discuss the conception of socialism in Erich Fromm, an author of a vast work on Marxism and Psychoanalysis. Fromm was one of the first to seek a synthesis between Marxism and psychoanalysis, a junction that opened new horizons for the advancement of social thought, broadening the understanding of man in capitalist society and contributing to unravel the psychic mechanisms that society uses to dominate individuals. His work is influenced by Marx, a revolutionary thinker, and Freud, politically a conservative thinker. This double influence may give rise to the idea that there is an ambiguity or gap in Erich Fromm's conception of socialism. In the context in which he lived, he was a contemporary of the Russian Revolution, of the rise of the integrationist state in the period of the regime of combined accumulation, in which the ideology and attempt of the integration of the working class in the so-called consumer society took place. It is noticeable that Fromm criticizes capitalist society as well as "real socialism." This raises a new question about what form of socialism he advocated, which is not only explained by the terms he used, such as "humanistic socialism." Throughout his work there is a search for a humanist socialism which, according to Fromm, is in accordance with Marx's thought. Thus, our theme is the conception of socialism in Erich Fromm. Our problem of research, in view of its critique of "real socialism" and other conceptions of socialism, is to discover what its conception of socialism is. In order to be able to respond to this problem, we use the dialectical method. The dialectical method has brought us a rich indication of the analytical process in the case of a theoretical research, such as ours. The information material, to understand a thinker, is fundamentally his written work, from which we have come to grips with and have done detailed analysis. However, the social and cultural context is fundamental for such an analysis, because this is what explains the formation of an author's thought. Thus, the dialectical method allowed to unite the general, the social and cultural contexts, and the particular, in which Fromm inserts itself in a specific way. In this context, we also use Marx's theory of consciousness, as well as authors who have provided complements to his theory, in order to explain the social and intellectual formation of consciousness, and to later use it in explaining Fromm's thinking. The analysis of Fromm's works and his direct references to his conception of socialism assume a fundamental meaning in order to understand his thinking in this respect. The result is that Fromm's conception of socialism, which he called "humanist" and at some "communitarian" moment, is a utopian conception, and which differs from the other conceptions of socialism best known in his day, Bolshevik, and Social Democrat, as well as distinct from Marx's, despite some proximity. Fromm's communal socialism suffered from a deeper theoretical basis and a broader understanding of the capitalist mode of production and of Marx's work on communism, which partly explains the utopian elements in its conception as well as its limits.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMarxismoPsicanáliseSocialismoMarxismPsychoanalysisSocialismCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAA concepção de socialismo em Erich FrommThe conception of socialim in Erich FrommTese