2019-01-252018-12-19RODRIGUES, M. A. M. Percepções e condutas dos cirurgiões-dentistas da saúde da família acerca da cárie precoce na infância. 2018. 136 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9252Early Childhood Caries (ECC) may affect the quality of life and bio-psycho-social development of children. It is quite prevalent in Brazil and the measures proposed by the National Oral Health Policy have contributed little to its reduction. Thus, it is important that professionals involved are voiced and heard whilst elaborating action strategies. This work aims to acknowledge the perceptions and conducts, carried by dentists working on Family Health, around ECC. Being an exploratory descriptive research that follows a qualitative approach, the data collection was accomplished through semi structured interviews with 29 dentists acting on Family Health. Data was taken through the analysis of thematic-categorical content with the formulation of emergent categories. It was evidenced that most of the professionals perceived ECC as a problem in the area, because of the early acometiment, high prevalence and great destruction caused to deciduous dentition. ECC was perceived as a problem in the more peripheral city zones, under heavy influence of the Social Determinants of Health. Even though the macroeconomic and life condition aspects were studied, emphasis was given to the more proximal aspects, attached to family care. These children’s access to health and oral health is limited and late, attending with pain and great damage. Noticing the social determinants did not prove itself enough to promote new practices, which were centered on the privatist model. Dentists have shown difficulty in acting with primary attention according to to the health promotion and and amplified clinic principles, regardless of the health and prevention educative actions aimed towards early childhood. The largest noted obstacles were the lack of adhesion by families, both in prevention and control actions, compromising the continuity of attention. They presented as potentials, the priority and commitment as to child care. Reflection over conducts, difficulties and potentials is important when planning actions to overcome challenges faced while implementing local level health policies. Overcoming the fragmentation of tasks, as well as the isolation of health care teams are urgent priorities. The need for permanent education which allows the capacitation for pediatric dentistry attendance, empathy development and the comprehension of choices and habits presented by families, and health education methodology were hereby presented.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAssistência odontológica para criançasSaúde bucalSaúde coletivaAtenção primária à saúdePesquisa qualitativaDental care for childrenOral healthCollective healthPrimary health careQualitative researchSAUDE COLETIVA::SAUDE PUBLICAPercepções e condutas dos cirurgiões-dentistas da saúde da família acerca da cárie precoce na infânciaPerceptions and conduct of family health dental surgeons on early childhood cariesDissertação