2019-11-192019-10-01SOARES, L. R. Conflitos territoriais e identidade quilombola da comunidade do Ambé no Amapá. 2019. 359 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10181This thesis – entitled Territorial Conflicts and Quilombola identity in the Ambé Community in Amapá (Conflitos Territoriais e identidade quilombola na Comunidade Ambé no Amapá) – is the result of a research on the relation between the territorial conflicts and the affirmation of the quilombola identity of the members of the Ambé Community. The research derived from the Interinstitutional Doctorate that was signed between the Post-Graduation Program in Geography, from the Socioenvironmental Studies Institute (IESA) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the Federal University of Amapá(UNIFAP), which started in 2016. The proposal relates to the research line: Socio-spatial Dynamics and it was developed over the years 2017-2019. The Ambé Community is located in the municipality of Macapá, in the southeast region of Amapá State, which has access overland by the highway Rodovia BR-210 or AP-070. The Quilombola communities are a heritage of the black race and its participation in the construction of the Brazilian society, according to Fiabani’s studies (2008) and they reflect a past of exploitation and slavery, which nowadays is reshaped with new forms of exploitation and expropriation and by the need of resistance over the land they occupy for their material and cultural reproduction. The research revives the history of the families as they established themselves on the lands of Ambé, in the beginning of the 19th century; however, the research periodization focuses on the first decade of the 19th century, from 2003 on, when the self-identification and recognition processes occur, in the face of territorial conflicts and the official public policies for the remaining Quilombo communities. The main objective of this study was to comprehend the aspects of the relation between the territory and the identity and interpret the territorial conflicts presented in the community. The methodological path aimed at engaging a dialogue with a humanist geography approach and with the hermeneutic phenomenology according to Paul Ricoeur’s perspective (2007), and a hermeneutic approach is intended in the interviews with the quilombolas and people who didn’t belong to quilombola communities, in order to interpret the testimonies. We also interviewed representatives of institutions who established a dialogue with the socio-spatial dynamics of the quilombolas territories in Amapá. The members from the institutions who were interviewed are representatives from institutions engaged in the processes of titration, recognition, identification and conciliation of the conflicts involving quilombola territories. It is understandable that collective actions are important to the construction of the territorial identity, in this sense, in order to think the identity as of a geographic perspective, we adopted the proposal of Haesbaert (1999), whereby certain identities are built from a real, symbolic, material and imaginary relation of the social groups with the territory. It is understood that the quilombolas, who are individuals marked by ethnic difference, they produce different spatiality situated in a discriminated and vulnerable social context. The geographical scope aims the territory interpretation and contributes with a reflection on the contemporary social situation of the quilombo and the black people. It was found that the existing territorial conflicts are related to grain planters’ landowner pressure on the quilombola lands, which lands are being gradually occupied. The territorial dimension is indispensable for the comprehension of the presented identity. The quilombola identity is constructed in the relation with the territory. And the conflicts are constituted over and above the place and directly affect the family relations of the community.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTerritórioConflitosIdentidade quilombolaTerritoryConflictsQuilombola identityGEOGRAFIA::GEOGRAFIA HUMANAConflitos territoriais e identidade quilombola da comunidade do Ambé no AmapáTerritorial conflicts and quilombola identity in the Ambé community in AmapáTese