2017-10-022017-09-26CASTRO, Gardene Leão de. Representações sociais de jovens de Goiânia: a negociação de sentidos em relação aos discursos midiáticos a respeito de si. 2017. 221 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7819The objective of this work is to investigate the social representations of young people in Goiânia with respect to hegemonic media discourses, involving the theme of crime and violence concerning young people themselves. We first sought to understand how young people are represented in the newspaper, Daqui, which is the paper with the largest circulation among the print media in Goiás. This was completed through a comparative study over 3 months of each of the years between 2010 and 2014. It can be seen that since 2010, Daqui, in its reporting, makes a strong connection between youth, poverty and danger. In 2014, this representation of young people was used to explain the increase in violence in Goiânia and Goiás as a consequence of the involvement of young people in drug use and trafficking. After analyzing the news, and by using as a theoretical framework, the Theory of Social Representations, we tried to understand how young people from different social classes (high, medium and low), residents of Goiânia, receive, understand and live out their media representations concerning the theme of crime and violence among youth. It was confirmed that young people did not assimilate the media content without criticizing it. They could recognize that the newspaper, Daqui, is sensationalist, violent and prints superficial news which only serves to subjugate the capacity of interpretation among its readers. Despite experiencing violence in different ways, they were unanimous in stating that the media is not impartial or neutral in portraying their daily lives.application/pdfAcesso AbertoJuventudeMídiaViolênciaRepresentações sociaisYouthMediaViolenceSocial reprentationsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIARepresentações sociais de jovens de Goiânia: a negociação de sentidos em relação aos discursos midiáticos a respeito de siSocial representations of young of Goiânia: the negotiation of senses in relation to the mediatic speeches concerning selfTese