2018-04-232018-03-26OLIVEIRA, F. R. Análise da transmissão assimétrica de preços da cadeia produtiva da cebola em Goiás. 2018. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8367The onion is a vegetable consumed by a large part of the world population. Brazil occupies an important position on the world stage, ranking ninth among the largest producers. Most of the national production is concentrated in the Southern Region, which accounts for 45% of the onion production in the country. The state of Goiás currently ranks sixth among the largest domestic producers, accounting for 14% of Brazilian production. The literature on the marketing of horticultural products indicates the existence of a concentration process, which is exercised by the wholesale market, but it is also worth mentioning the fact that the retail market influences the productive chain due to the market power of the large supermarket chains. Thus, the objective of this work is to analyze the existence of Asymmetry in Price Transmission (ATP) among the agents of the onion production chain in Goiás. For the conduction of the study it was necessary to use econometric models such as the one developed by Houck 1977). In general terms, the results indicate that 30% of the income from the sale of the onion, are directed to the rural producer, and the rest is divided between the wholesale market and the retailer. In addition, the results show that asymmetry occurs in the speed of transmission of prices among the agents of the onion production chain, with relative advantage to retail over the other productive links.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCadeiasHortifrutigranjeiraAssimetriaChainsHorticultural cropsAsymmetryCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIAAnálise da transmissão assimétrica de preços da cadeia produtiva da cebola em GoiásAsymmetric price transmission analysis of the productive chain of onion in GoiásDissertação