2019-09-242019-08-21SOUSA, Sueli Alves de. Cartografias identitárias: estigmas e enfrentamentos vividos no espaço escolar por alunos do Residencial Orlando de Morais. 2019. 170 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10038My concerns came as a teacher at the State College of the Military Police of Goiás (CEPMG) Waldemar Mundim. What caught me most was the fact that some resident students from Residencial Orlando de Morais, located in the Northern region of Goiânia, often arrived late in the classroom and were jokingly referred to as “feet”. from toddy ”. Residential Orlando de Moraes, Goiânia neighborhood of student housing, corpus of this research, is located on the banks of GO 462, exit to the municipality of Santo Antonio de Goiás, which is eight kilometers from the Itatiaia Sector, where is the school , the CEPMG Waldemar Mundim. The neighborhood is not so far from the school, geographically. However, access is hampered by the shortage of bus lines. The “toddy's foot” badge is one of many ways other students refer to these peers, a pejorative way of referring to those who live in the neighborhood I selected for the survey. Such students often perform with the dirty red earth shoes that characterize the region's soil. I began to realize that there is an identity issue that transits between the subject and his living space. The substantial purpose of this research was to know the construction of the stigma in the school space and to unveil the identity of the students called by their peers “toddy foot”, as well as to analyze their trajectories through their cartographies, their identities. This study focused on dialogue with five students - and their families, all from the CEPMG school, residents of Residencial Orlando de Morais. I have identified three categories of stigmata: (1) the external stigma, from the outside to the residential, that is, outside the Residencial Orlando de Morais; (2) the external stigma attributed to students in this neighborhood by CEPMG colleagues and disciplinary leadership; (3) the internal stigma, built up by some residents of Residencial Orlando de Morais, here called the “peoples from above” and “peoples from below”, terms expressed by some of the interlocutors. To work on the concepts of stigma and juvenile delinquency, I searched for the studies of researcher and sociologist Norbert Elias and teacher John L. Scotson in the book The Established and the Outsiders (2000), which deals with the sociological theme of current important issues, such as violence, discrimination and social exclusion.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEstigmasEstudante “pé de toddy”Cartografia identitáriaExclusão escolarStigmasStudent "pé de toddy"Identity cartographySchool exclusionCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOCartografias identitárias: estigmas e enfrentamentos vividos no espaço escolar por alunos do Residencial Orlando de MoraisIdentity cartographies: stigmas and confrontations lived in the school space by students of Residencial Orlando de MoraisDissertação