2016-08-012014-02-28ORIO, Mateus V. Consumismo na sociedade contemporânea: a dinâmica da criação de necessidades no mercado da informática. 2014. 146 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5770This study seeks to understand the historical and social relations that are the basis of consumerism as we observe it daily. Thus, the intention is to understand the development and dynamics of the contemporary way of life: the capitalism, and thus, understanding the creation of needs that are reproduced in society in order to promote an exacerbated acquisition of goods by certain individuals or social groups. In this study the computing market is taken as a preferential example of analysis. This choice is not random, but it comes from the verification of the effervescent dynamics of that market . So the main objective of this research is to understand how the set of products in the IT market, supposedly meant to bring facilities in conducting problems, becomes a means of diversifying the production of goods in contemporary society, comprising objects that promote desire for excessive consumption. This study aims to understanding of reality, covering the fundamental determinations to avoid simplistic conclusions, beyond the apparent meaning. Therefore it is necessary to investigate more general and also more simple social relations, leading us to the study of contemporary society from the actual situation, but understanding it as the result of previous relations. So consumerism is no longer an isolated phenomenon, it becomes complex, crossed in various directions by social relations that determine and are determined by it. The intention is that the investigation of questions about creating needs in the computing market will contribute to expanding the debate on the issue of consumption in contemporary society.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCapitalismoConsumismoInformáticaCapitalismConsumerismComputersCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAConsumismo na sociedade contemporânea: a dinâmica da criação de necessidades no mercado da informáticaConsumerism in contemporary society: the process of creating needs in the computing marketDissertação