2022-09-132022-09-132022-08-12CAMARGO, S. M. G. A constituição de professores leitores e suas práticas com a leitura literária na educação básica – anos iniciais. 2022. 282 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12321This dissertation aims to discuss, through interviews, if and how teachers of elementary school - early years have constituted and/or constitute themselves readers of the literary text and if this cons-titution effectively implies literary reading practices in their teaching. It also aims to listen and give voice to the teachers, to know about their initial and continuing education, their demands, challenges, and perspectives; to know a little about their biography, their trajectory as readers and educators of readers; to problematize their teaching practices in the classroom; to analyze how they were affected or enriched by their reading; to unveil their theoretical conceptions about literature and their teaching practices with literature in the classroom. The research is based on a case study and is qualitative in nature. The methodology used consisted of open interviews, according to the assumptions of oral history, with subsequent interpretive analysis of the data collected. Five categories of analysis were proposed: 1) Professional training, 2) Training as readers, 3) Conceptions of reading, 4) Conceptions about literary discourse and reader, 5) Methodologies and meaningful reading practices for Elemen-tary I Education (EF-I). Besides the dissertation, the study resulted in the Educational Product, enti-tled Memory and reading in the school space: formation of readers, proposed during the Stricto Sensu Professional Master's Degree Program in Teaching in Basic Education of the Teaching and Applied Research Center for Education (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), which consists of a booklet, directed to teachers and others interested in the teaching of literature, with reflections and suggestions for pedagogical practices that contemplate literature. The research is based on im-portant theoretical references, including Abramovich (1997), Andruetto (2009), Ana Souza (2010), Aguiar and Bordini (1988), Bloom (2001), Candido (2011), Chartier (1988), Colomer (2007), Cunha (1985), Freire (2001), Lajolo (2002), Paulino (2001), Todorov (2009), and Zilberman (1991). The results reveal that literary reading has been a constant object of study, precisely because there are many elements that disfavor the democratization of access to reading in general, thus culminating in the expansion of social exclusion.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEnsinoMemóriaLiteraturaFormação de leitorTeachingMemoryLiteratureReader formationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA constituição de professores leitores e suas práticas com a leitura literária na educação básica – anos iniciaisThe constitution of reading teachers and their practices with literary reading in basic education – early yearsDissertação