2014-09-302013-06-17PAIXÃO, Humberto Pires da. Saber, poder e sujeito no dispositivo da moda. 2013. 185 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3220This work originated from reflections offered by the reading the Michel Foucault’s work The Archaeology of Knowledge (2009a). It aims to highlight and investigate statements that could and have actually been made, constituting knowledge and power in the fashion field. If it is true that all knowledge evokes power and vice versa, then it is valid to question what power relations and consequently what knowledge established by/in the fashion universe are these, as well as the existing implications on the objectification/subjectification of individuals. In other words, it is valid to question, among other things, what kind of subjects are constituted through what circulates in the media about fashion and to whom or what these new aesthetic and behavioral standards serve. Our hypothesis therefore may be described as follows: fashion is a discursive deployment in which/through which docile and useful individuals for societies ruled by production and consumption are created, or even a deployment that controls the population as it produces the illusion that it leads to well-being and happiness. Our hypothesis is therefore based on the postulates of French-oriented Discourse Analysis, especially on the contributions brought to it by Michel Foucault’s reflections. Through Foucault's notion of the deployment, this work aims to deal with some topics that operate on and should be considered in the study of processes related to fashion. Paraphrasing the French philosopher himself, it aims to understand the power-knowledge regime that sustains the fashion discourse and forges certain subjectivities. This therefore means considering the fact that fashion is talked about, bearing in mind who is allowed to do it and the places where it is done, in other words, the fact of placing fashion into discourse.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDispositivoSaberPoderSujeitoModaDeploymentKnowledgePowerSubjectFashionLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICASaber, poder e sujeito no dispositivo da modaDissertação