2017-06-092017-04-24SPAGNOLI, J. L. U. Competências de graduandos de enfermagem para higienização das mãos. 2017. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7446Hand hygiene (HH) is an indispensable practice for the prevention and control of infections and, although adherence is still low, graduation is the right moment for the future professional to acquire skills. The objective this study was to evaluate the competence about hand hygiene among undergraduates in nursing. A cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted between may and november, 2015, conducted in six of the 33 Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the central region of Brazil, which offered a nursing degree with a grade above three in the Preliminary Course Concept (PCC) and National Student Proficiency Exam (NSPE) 2013, in classroom mode and in healthcare facilities, place of supervised internship of academics the HEI with maximum grade in PCC and NSPE. After ethical approval, the data were collected in three stages using instruments evaluated and tested. In the first one, a questionnaire was applied, followed by individual observation of the performance of the HH technique (second stage). The third one was performed at the health services to observe attitude to hand hygiene. Informed consent form was applied in all stages. The data were analyzed in SPSS® software with descriptive and analytical statistics. Out of the 179 academics, about 90.0% were female and were up to 30 years of age. The majority of HEI obtained a regular score (27.0% to 48.0%) in knowledge, except for HEI 6 with a maximum score that obtained better rates. As for HH moments, the majority of HEI reached an average between 29.3% and 53.7%, except for HEI 6 (74.9%). In the observation of the ability the majority had long nails (52.4%) and natural (73.1%). These conditions were similar to observation in clinical practice. The majority of HEI achieved the average time to HH as recommended, in skill observation and attitude for HEI 6 and only academics this HEI performed the friction of most of the steps' technique higher than 85.0%. The compliance to HH observed in HEI 6 was 33.7%. The highest adhesion rates were in the opportunities after contact with patients and after risk of contact with fluids and the percentage of friction was above 80.0% for most of the recommended steps. It was concluded that knowledge about hand hygiene obtained low rates of success, except for one institution; the ability to perform the correct technique reached average rates of 60.0% for most HEI, which allows to identify deficits in training about basic principles for HH. In the attitude of hand hygiene according to the world health organization guidelines, a very low adherence rate was observed in HEI 6. The discrepancy between the percentage of knowledge/ability and attitude of HH in this HEI, reveals that the challenge to improve adherence is not restricted to theoretical-practical formation, but, likely, the strategies of the formative process that are capable of transferring the formation to the care, considered in that study, the committal of the academic that result in attitude of the hand hygiene.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHigiene das mãosEstudantes de enfermagemCompetência profissionalConhecimentoConhecimento, atitudes e prática em saúdeHand hygieneStudents, nursingKnowledgeHealth knowledge, atitudes, practiceComplianceCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::ENFERMAGEMCompetências de graduandos de enfermagem para higienização das mãosNursing graduation competence for hand hygieneDissertação