2019-07-052019-03-25LOPES, Maria Marta da Silva. Interdisciplinaridade dos direitos humanos: um olhar sobre a prática docente na educação básica da rede municipal de Goiânia. 2019. 112 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9795This study presents a discussion about the insertion of the contents of Human Rights in basic education. The presented considerations have as feature the Good Human Rights Practices found in the school and the relation of these practices with an Interdisciplinary Posture of the teacher. The research has a qualitative character with ethnographic bias, since it sought to know the phenomenon in its natural context in the daily relations. So, they were used as methodological procedures on data collection, the recording in field diary of the classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with the teachers. The option for this type of interview was given by its open characteristic which provides the freedom to come and go in the dialogue with the interlocutor. To substantiate of the study were made analyzes of official documents and specialized literature on Education, Human Rights and Interdisciplinarity. The data processing was done using the Content Analysis technique using triangulation as a methodological strategy to combine the data collected in the observations with the interview data and to analyze them from the perspective of the authors who supported the study: Paulo Freire , Lev Vygotsky in the process of teaching learning through mediation, socialization and valuation; Edgar Morin, Hilton Japiassu, Olga Pombo, Minayo and Ivani Fazenda in the approach on interdisciplinarity and education; Dalmo Dallari, Solon Viola, Boaventura de Souza Santos and Vera Candau on Human Rights and Education, as well as laws and documents dealing with education and Human Rights. The course of the study was first made by the construction of the concepts of Good Practices of Human Rights and Interdisciplinary Posture that served as glasses to see the practices in the school routine. The analysis revealed that there is no recipe for good human rights practices, but simple attitudes are capable of instigating critical thinking and promoting the effective participation of learners in the construction of knowledge, making them able to intervene in reality to transform it. The final considerations showed that although teachers do not have a clear understanding of Human Rights and Interdisciplinarity, their practices express Human Rights, as they try to promote integrated teaching by taking an interdisciplinary posture. However, the study points out that it is necessary to include human rights in training courses, so that the education professional can work consciously with this topic, knowing the importance of this work in human training.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducaçãoDireitos humanosBoas práticasPostura interdisciplinar pedagógicaCidadaniaEducationHuman rightsGood practicesInterdisciplinary pedagogical postureCitizenshipCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOInterdisciplinaridade dos direitos humanos: um olhar sobre a prática docente na educação básica da rede municipal de GoiâniaInterdisciplinarity of human rights: a look at teacher practice in the basic education of the municipal network of GoiâniaDissertação