2022-05-032022-05-032021-12-16MIRANDA, I. As memórias de Josephina Neuville (1864): história, escrita, literatura. 2022. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12031Josephina Neuville (1826-1889), daughter of a Belgian and a Frenchwoman, was born in Brazil, raised between Lisbon and Paris and traveled a large part of Europe before she was thirty years old, when she began to write what would be the book Memórias de minha vida. Recordações de minhas viagens, published in 1864. She had too many suitors, married, and had three lovers. She caused a scandal with her life and her Memoirs, which aimed to defend her from her many enemies, presenting a particular view of the facts in which she was involved - a narrative, in her words, written "in the midst of sorrows, inspired by suffering" and who sought to bring to the public ―a life so intimate that, despite everything, no one knew it nor could it understand it‖. Although it contains many observations on European and Luso-Brazilian customs and cultures and is, in itself, an important testimony of female writing in the 19th century – with its setbacks and strategies – Josephina's text received little attention from historiography, because no dissertation or thesis has taken it as the main document. The objective of the present work is to fill this gap, highlighting three aspects of the Memoirs: the temporality inherent to writing and the troubled publication of the text; the writing strategies, the elements selected to compose the text and the documentary and literary aspects of his work; its relations with the ways of reading and writing novels and with the idea of literature (in the 19th century). These aspects show the author's trajectory in her goal of not only writing her intimate memoirs, but, above all, as we will seek to demonstrate, transforming them into a printed publication.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalMulheresLiteraturaPortugal oitocentistaWomenLiteratureNineteenth-century PortugalCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAAs memórias de Josephina Neuville (1864): história, escrita, literaturaThe memories of Josephina Neuville (1864): history, writing, literatureDissertação