2014-07-292009-12-232008-10-08ROSA, Luciene de Morais. Meetings and disagreements Among Aúwê Uptabi and Waradzu in Urban Areas of Barra do Garças - MT. 2008. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2353The purpose of this research is to understand the ethnic relationship between the A'uwê Uptabi (self-recognition the Xavante people that means real people or authentic people) and waradzu (name in Xavante language to another) in urban areas of Barra do Garças - MT. The research was conducted in qualitative tackle using interviews and official documents of archives of the national Indian Foudation (FUNAI). We seek a rapprochement between anthropology and history in order to better understanding the representations that individuals use to assign meaning to their reality. We use author whose discussions addressing the issues of identity, ethnic relations, expansion and migration in Central West Region and show up that the contact between indigenous and national society. We note that A uwê Uptabi are not invisible to the population of Barra do Garças, however there are many misconceptions about their, genenerated images of the past in which the official historiography favored mainly the migrants who have been associated with progress; as opposition , to A uwê Uptabi were fitting the idea of delay. Underlying all forms of prejudice found in the exposure of residents of Barra do Garças are lurks the issues from the past, there is always the justification that the Indians have a lot of landapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoA uwê UptabiXavanteContatoIdentidadesCulturaCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAENCONTROS E DESENCONTROS ENTRE OS A UWÊ UPTABI E OS WARADZU NO ESPAÇO URBANO DE BARRA DO GARÇAS- MTMeetings and disagreements Among Aúwê Uptabi and Waradzu in Urban Areas of Barra do Garças - MTDissertação