2020-12-302020-12-302020-11-12DULCI, P. L. O tempo do fim: diálogo e antítese no uso do messianismo paulino pela filosofia de Giorgio Agamben. 2020. 315 f. Tese (Doutorado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11002This work has as its main objective to defend the political importance of the messianic theme of the time of the end. Unlike the superficiality of relations established between time and politics by the advocates of the thesis about the end of history, this formulation of the political significance of the messianic theme of the time of the end, comes from the analysis in ethics and political philosophy of the work of Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, and the dialogue he establishes with the Western theological and philosophical tradition. Regarding this theme, our arguments in the present work will take the following path. First, we will dedicate the initial chapter to an archeology of the way of governing infinitely individuals, characteristic of our political contemporaneity. The key question in this first chapter is, therefore, why has politics been transformed into mere body management? With the help of a thematic relationship established with some courses taught by Michel Foucault at the Collège de France, we will seek to defend the Agambenian reading from the state of decline in which contemporary ethics and politics are found. We will try to make it clear that the current political configuration does not only concern what Foucault called modern governmentality, but also Agamben's arguments about the need for praise and glory for the undetermined functioning of the political machine. Second, we will focus itself in the messianic theme of the time of the end, in his Pauline formulation, as a Agamben’s strategy to address to the legal and political situation of our time described in the first chapter. Our objective in the second chapter, therefore, will be to argue that the use, by Agamben, of theological paradigms arising from the epistles of Paul de Tarsus, presents itself as a useful intellectual alternative to equip his readers with a theoretical repertoire that be subordinate to the end-of-history theses – and be able to carry out a renewal in our framework of categories and concepts in a way that opens up the possibility of new free uses of the essential components for political philosophy and ethics in the contemporary world. The recovery of these theological paradigms will mean asking ourselves in general terms why Paul de Tarsus is important for contemporary philosophy and, specifically, why he is important for Agamben's philosophy. Finally, in the third chapter, we will try to make a critical assessment of the content of the Agambenian theses, trying to answer the question why is it difficult to be an Agambenian? With this question, we will try to explain the challenges that are inherent in the possibilities of using the Pauline paradigms for political challenges, as well as the difficulty of dealing with the long linearities that the Italian philosopher establishes from his representations of the time lived in the messiah. Through a careful reading of some methodological pillars in the philosophy of the Italian thinker, we believe that it will be possible to show not only the contributions, but also the limits of his intellectual project. Therefore, this thesis establishes both the dialogue and the antithesis with the use that Agamben makes of the messianic themes formulated by the apostle Paul. We believe that with this argument, as well as with the conclusions we reached, we will be able to contribute to a little explored theme, both as a key-hermeneutics of Agamben's philosophy, as a paradigm for the renewal of the frameworks of contemporary political and ethical philosophy. With that, we try to offer an original contribution to the agambenian studies in the Brazilian territory.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalBiopolíticaMessianismoPauloParadigmaHistóriaAgambenMessianismPaulParadigmHistoryAgambenBiopoliticsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::FILOSOFIA::ETICAO tempo do fim: diálogo e antítese no uso do messianismo paulino pela filosofia de Giorgio AgambenThe time of the end: dialogue and antithesis in the use of the Pauline messianism by the philosophy of Giorgio AgambenTese