2017-05-152013-04-29AVANÇO, K. Entre efeitos e estratégias de linguagem numa produção de conhecimento situado: blogueiras feministas (re)pensando concepções e construindo novas práticas. 2013. 158 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7320Science, as we know it today, has been established as the legitimate paradigm of knowledge production, which relies on the pillars of universality, neutrality, and objectivity. In contrast, feminist epistemology defends the production of situated knowledge, seeking a partial and critical positioning. In this thesis, I discuss knowledge about language produced under a feminist standpoint, assuming that knowledge is produced not only in the academy, but also by counter-hegemonic, minority, or minoritized groups. To this end, I analyze the texts of a group of feminist women on the internet, named Blogueiras Feministas, to identify the language conceptions that are at stake in their concerns, by studying their texts posted from October 2010 to October 2011, totaling 365 posts and 54 authors. The modern science paradigm, constituted from the XVI-XVII centuries on as the only legitimate form of producing knowledge, was based on the notion of scientific rationality, achieved by means of a strict set of methodological rules and epistemological principles, as well as on political and economic factors, in which the process of colonization played a fundamental role. In this thesis, I use the metaphor of vision to explain this paradigm, because modern science lies on this metaphor and on the idea of the specific ways in which the eye is directed toward the object to differ from other forms of knowledge production. Furthermore, modern science paradigm defends that, while anyone can see an object, only the trained scientist can interpret what is seen. I contrast this paradigm with the idea of an embodied, marked, partial, limited, non-transcendent, i.e. situated nature of vision. Hegemonic Linguistics was established as a science during the development of nation-states, the consolidation of science itself, and the emergence of the sociological subject. Based on dictionaries and introduction guides, which limit the field and are used in the education and training of new scientists, I explore Linguistics, passing through its legitimate areas and authors verifying, precisely, how the history of this discipline is presented, which language conceptions are emphasized in the official context and what kind of metalanguage is used. Finally, the analysis of language conceptions displayed in the texts of Blogueiras Feministas indicates that they see language from a discursive perspective and think about language practices from its effects and strategies for possible changes. The main effects identified by Blogueiras Feministas are the naturalization and essentialization of identities; among the strategies of resistance and change they emphasize the need of raising awareness about the inconsistencies of our speech, multiplying discourses and voices, using inclusive language and thinking about the possibilities of producing new meanings.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCiênciaConcepções de linguagemConhecimento situadoDiscursoFeminismoLinguísticaDiscourseFeminismLanguage conceptionsLinguisticsScienceSituated knowledgeLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAEntre efeitos e estratégias de linguagem numa produção de conhecimento situado: blogueiras feministas (re)pensando concepções e construindo novas práticasBetween language effects and strategies in situated knowledge production: blogueiras feministas (re)thinking conceptions and building new practicesTese