2014-07-292012-02-232011-08-18MONTEIRO, Silvana Rodrigues. Education, Media and Politics: Education in Goiás from the perspective of O Popular newspaper from 1995 to 2002. 2011. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2015This dissertation is inserted in an ongoing investigation called State and Educational Policies in the Post-graduation Program in Education from the College of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. This research analyses the relationships and tensions among education, media and politics, having as study case education in Goiás from the perspective of a newspaper called O Popular, during Fernando Henrique Cardoso FHC (1995-2002) administration. It is examined, in a more objective way, how education in federal, state and municipal levels; public or private was portrayed by O Popular newspaper. In this analysis it is taken into account how this newspaper focused on different aspects that referred to the theme, considering the following subjects: public policies, propagation, behavior, service and complaint. Such categorizations required the analysis of 1.646 articles on the education field published in the newspaper O Popular between 1995 and 2002. The examination of these articles was based on a wide revision of literature that aimed at understanding the fields of education, media and politics in their interfaces and tensions, what was conducted through fundamental concepts of Bourdieu‟s work, besides other experts in the themes already presented. The frame of the media in Goiás is discussed based on the model that rules national media, i.e. the pattern of familiar and business journalism, inserted in a political context where the State was persuaded to meet new needs, requests and challenges in terms of education. The research shows that not only the national and regional media, but also the media in Goiás are highly concentrated and oligopolistic, as mass communication media belongs to the same family group, which has huge influence on political fields. The massive application of media, which signalized the management of the minister of education at the time, Paulo Renato Souza (1995-2002), aimed at creating a communication cannal between the government and society, what made it possible to discuss power relations established among political, communication and educational fields. In this context, media in Goiás is initially portrayed with the help of a fictional work Memórias do Vento, by Carmo Bernardes, an author from the state of Goiás. This book, written in 1986, draws a profile of the conjuncture of the State of Goiás based on the analysis of local media. Finally, the perspective of O Popular concerning the Educational Field reveals that the articles reproduce, basically, the news broadcasted by national media, as well as indicating lack of autonomy in face to the interests of both the government and advertiser. Besides that, the articles reveal that those means of communication depend on the government to bound subject sources, what makes the articles sound rather artificial‟, deviating O Popular from promoting public debate. The articles published under these circumstances, therefore, bring the readers a widespread perspective of education, with punctual and descontextualized information, mostly presented under a dialectical view.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação em GoiásMídiaPolíticaEducation in GoiásMediaPoliticsCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEducação, mídia e política: a educação em Goiás sob a perspectiva do jornal O Popular no período 1995-2002Education, Media and Politics: Education in Goiás from the perspective of O Popular newspaper from 1995 to 2002Dissertação