2018-08-292017-01-26MELO, Juliana Gomes da Silva de. A mediação didática no ensino de geografia: a construção do conceito território em sala de aula. 2017. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8833The following study reports one of the conceptions of the didactic mediation in the teaching and learning process of Geography, from the construction of the territory concept. The territory for beyond the simplistic approach showed by the didactic books, is an important element in the construction of the geographic knowledge, due to the dealing of different territorialities by the students in their daily lives. In order to make it possible, the research was performed with three master teachers, newly graduated, who work in the Public Education Network in the city of Goiânia, through the grades that comprise the final years of Elementary School and High School. Starting from the acknowledgement that the teaching through concepts in Geography is a necessary students element for the students’ autonomous and critical thinking development, the planning and intentional action by the professor plays a central role for the cognitive development. A teaching based on memorization and repetition, much criticized by education theorists, ends up promoting disinterest and is unable to develop a quality students teaching, based on the construction of space thinking by the students. In order for the research to be conceived, the metodology used was based on a particular research, with dimensions of collaborative research. Thus, the process of subject teachers’ classes observation was initiated with the aim of verifying how they conducted the teaching and their didactic mediation. Subsequently, in a collaborative way, the didactic sequence (SD) that was applied in each class was made based on the knowledge previously defined by the teacher in the period that the didactic intervention was performed. Thus, the territory concept permeated the knowledge of Cerrado, Globalization and Hydrographic Basins of Goiânia. As last moment of the research, SDs applied in Geography classes demonstrate the importance of planing and mediating action of the teacher for the construtional process of scientific concepts by the students and the development of spatial thinking, in a dialectical process of teaching that is based on the problematization, systematization and different geographical knowledge synthesis.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMediação didáticaTerritórioEnsino-aprendizagemDidactic mediationTerritoryTeaching-learningCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAA mediação didática no ensino de geografia: a construção do conceito território em sala de aulaThe didactic mediation on geography teaching: the construction of territorry concept in the classroomDissertação