2021-08-192021-08-192021-07-01MESQUITA, E. F. C. Violência com a população de rua: a clínica ampliada como possibilidade de transformação dessa realidade? 2021. 224 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11557In this study, we propose an analysis of the phenomenon of violence against street people in Goiania, in a period of time marked by murders and denunciation of the exterminations of those people (2010-2014). The research object is the violence, as well as the actions of the Extended Clinic to fight it. So, making use of the documental analysis, by the exploratory research, we aim to understand both how such violence has been evolved against the street people, and who are the actors working on it, and how the Extended Clinic opposed to wane this situation. Despite understanding that the structural violence is the core of the whole violent acts researched in this study, we have seen the need of rethinking the applicability of the public politics ever evolved, but, in most cases, not executed. Actions of handing out assistance keep on, in great part, for the attention to the street people, but these actions don’t reach up to the social determinants of the whole process, which is the health-disease one. Besides, these actions strengthen stigmas, prejudice, and violence itself. The actions of the Extended Clinic, analyzed in the present study, are essentially democratic guidelines, that deserve to be considered, appraised, empowered, and deepened at the wide spectrum of the psychosocial pattern. The study unveiled that there had been a major incidence into two kinds of violence: institutional one, and social one. It also showed that the actions of the Extended Clinic brought up a wider visibility, and strengthened the fight against the iniquities of the State over the street people. Once the data are gathered and the analysis are made, what is demanded is the making of public politics, according to the psychosocial necessities of the street people, in which the Extended Clinic can be the pattern of the action inside SUS – Sistema Único de Saúde (Brazilian Unique System of Health). The relevance of such study is the possibility of subsidizing the making of public politics that could reach equity principles and the integrity over the attention of this street population, as well.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalViolênciaPopulação em situação de ruaClínica ampliadaViolenceStreet peopleExtended clinicCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIAViolência com a população de rua: a clínica ampliada como possibilidade de transformação dessa realidade?Violence with the homeless population: the extended clinic as a possibility to transform this reality?Dissertação