2014-07-292011-12-142011-07-11QUADROS, Cristiane de. Sanitize, rehabilitate and normalize: the creation of special school. 2011. 264 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1094The thesis here presented, linked to the research line Teacher Formation and Professionalization of the Postgraduate Program on Education at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), in partnership with the Program of Academic Cooperation (Procad) and Doctorate Interinstitutional Program (Dinter) Procad/Capes/Dinter/UFT/UFG, has the aim to rescue the genesis and the historical meaning of disability. In other words, concerned to understand, from the madness history told by Foucault, the conception of disability stated/invented in the Modern Age and its implications in order to educate and legislate about disabled persons in Brazil. In this sense, highlight remnants from a certain culture from a certain file. Thus, the research seeks to mine in the fragmented history the special education not only the chronologic order of their development (dates and facts); is investigated by the archeology of its meaning, by discontinuities of its social structures. Therefore uses the sum of discourses about the madness, the abnormality/normality and the disability, which may offers us a history that helps to comprehend why and how the special school and the inclusion process, constituted as such nowadays. Furthermore, realize how the normality device is expressed in the special treatment as well in the way to legislate about disabled persons. It constitutes in a literature and documental research of a historical nature. Foucault is our main interlocutor in the discussions here presented, so that the author is used as a theoreticalmethodological reference in the research. The main consulted documents (LOPES, 1929), primary sources, correspond to the Archivos Brasileiros de Higiene Mental, belonging to the Liga Brasileira de Higiene Mental LBHM (Brazilian League for Mental Hygiene) (1925-1937), institution founded in Brazil by Gustavo Riedel in 1923. Other primary and secondary documents, from the Ministry of Education and why international recommendations were also consulted. The research allows to realize how the idea of being disabled or of being different was stated historic, social and culturally. The discussions about the processes of social exclusion/inclusion here shown set up the speeches that make present in the cultural context, educational and legal contemporaneous and underlie and constitute the institutional practices focused to the disabled or different persons. However, is verified that the concept of inclusion stated by the contemporaneity, notwithstanding that propose a new concept to comprehend the disabled remains to express, between the lines, the idea of standardization and control of the social body.application/pdfAcesso AbertoLoucuraDeficiênciaDisciplinaPoderNormalizaçãoInclusão/exclusãoMadnessDisabilityDisciplinePowerNormalizationInclusion/exclusionCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::TOPICOS ESPECIFICOS DE EDUCACAO::EDUCACAO ESPECIALHigienizar, reabilitar e normalizar: a constituição da escola especialSanitize, rehabilitate and normalize: the creation of special schoolTese