2014-07-292011-01-192008-06-30FRANCO, Carlos Sérgio Souza Pinto de Almeida. Segurança de barragens: aspectos regulatórios. 2008. 136 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiás, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1318In this paper are presented socio-environmental considerations about the dams safety being promoting the linking of the trilogy water, living beings and anthrop actions, as well as the evolution of the legal aspects. A study about the resources is done to establish a policy of efficient action which guarantees few risks of accidents involving dams and as they are inserted in the context of the global safety of the population. In general terms the investigation promotes an evaluation about the factors that contribute to the dams safety taking into consideration legal aspects of the administration of the water resources aiming to minimize the contentions in the treatment of the subject. In a more specific way, it proposes the creation of a law to be applied by the authorities of the State of Goiás. It is an exploratory research which took place from August 2006 to March 2008 that had bibliographies references, professionals considered experts talking about dams safety and, also, public agencies such as: MI, SEMARH and civil defense among others. It includes a proposition for the establishment of emergency action planning based on technical considerations about risk evaluation. and it presents the cases of the accidents in the dam of Flores de Goiás happened on 2004 and 2007. In Central Brazil regions more specifically in the State of Goiás was verified that the studies concerning to thewater resources are incipient. The public bodies presented divergences in the information on the quantitative of dams. Public agencies like Defesa Civil, Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos and Agência Ambiental did not show evidences joint action for the planning, fiscalization and critical analysis of the decisive factors to the global safety of the society. Works in the physical dimensions are being accomplished in the Dam of Flores de Goiás to correct the mistakes of the hydrologic project. A debate about dam is a debate about development. To solve or to minimize conflicts concerning to the theme is necessary to have a broad consensus about the rules that govern the development choices and the criteria that should define the negotiations and the decision making. In this context the work of environmental education should be considered as instrument to promote changes of paradigms and management.application/pdfAcesso Abertosegurança de barragensplano de ação emergencialeducação ambientaldam safetyemergency action planenvironmental educationCNPQ::CIENCIAS BIOLOGICASSegurança de barragens: aspectos regulatóriosDissertação