2014-07-292012-03-272011-07-25PASSOS, Vania Maria de Araujo. The job of teachers and the Course of Pedagoy in the Federal University of Tocantins. 2011. 131 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1128Taking part of the research line Formation and Professionalization of teachers and Educational Practices, this study presents the discussion about the job of teacher in courses of Pedagogy as one of the elements which involve the complexity of professionalization. It is, however, a discussion that send us to the relationship of meanings of professionals in situation of formation (subject) and the job (object), leading us to reflect about thinking and acting, both in an individual and collective form in order to understand the educational and forming process of teachers job in the university. So, we presented as our general goal: understand how and under which aspects has been developed the knowledge of teachers job in the courses of Pedagogy of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT). We adopted the way of building the dialogue between knowledges, data and analyses of teachers job, under materialistic historic and dialectic view, as a method of investigation and analysis. In order to do it, however, we used the study of case as the form of pursuing the object of study. The collection of data was based in a bibliographic revision, in a documental analysis and in an application of questionnaires to professors and students of the courses of Pedagogy. According to the analyzed data, despite the coexistence of different projects in development in UFT, the postures of professors and students, referring to a conception of the job did not result from the adherence to an specific Pedagogic Project of Course, but they have been expressed in dependence of personal and individual constructions and of the experience of professors in higher education about teachers job. So, the relation between subject and object and the comprehension of teachers job were not established in rigid relationships, but they are present in the ambiguity, in the contradiction and in the constant remaking of knowledge, although they don t reach whatever has been proposed by the Pedagogic Project of the course. The dynamics of the educational reality is not compatible to conformism or naturalization of facts and theories an lead us to think about the movement and of the reflection about interests and needs of facing the educational phenomena lived in an educational institution, as general and professional culture professors. Beyond contents identified in speeches and practices carried out in the courses of Pedagogy, the contribution of this work is to confirm the coexistence of ambiguities and uncertainties in teachers job, inside their early formation.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCurso de PedagogiaProfissão DocenteUniversidadeCourse of PedagogyTeachers jobUniversityCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA Profissão Docente e o Curso de Pedagogia na Universidade Federal do TocantinsThe job of teachers and the Course of Pedagoy in the Federal University of TocantinsTese