2017-08-072017-07-06OLIVEIRA, T. P. O ambiente educacional em um curso de fisioterapia: percepção discente. 2017. 88 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7641Introduction: The educational environment has a significant impact on students' behavior and learning. The analysis of this environment offers subsidies to the necessary adaptations to make the educational environment more conducive to teaching and learning. Objective: Objective: To analyze the educational environment in the perspective of the students of the physiotherapy course in a Higher Education Institution of Goiás. Method: This is a cross-sectional and analytical study, where the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) instrument was used with 50 questions that assess five dimensions of the educational environment: Learning, Teachers, Academic, Educational Atmosphere, Social. The averages of global scores by size and individual questions were computed. The comparison of the dimensions of the questionnaire between period and the study cycle were tested using the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests followed by the multiple comparisons test (PostHoc). Results: 179 students from a total of 232 enrolled in 2016/1 participated in the study. The average of the overall score of students' perception of the educational environment was 126/200. The Learning dimension presented mean scores of 30/48; Dimension Teachers, 28,3/44; Academic dimension, 20,9/32; Dimension Educational Atmosphere, 30/48; Social dimension 17,5/28. The items with the best scores were related to having friends in college and confidence in the approval of the subjects. The items with the worst scores showed absence of support for stressed students and emphasis on the memorization of contents. The students were more pessimistic at the end of the basic cycle (5th Period), in the Learning and Teaching dimensions (p≤0.05). Internal instrument reliability test, Cronbach's alpha (α), 0.87 for the global DREEM. Conclusion: The study revealed a more "positive" than "negative" educational environment, but it is important to note that individual issues pointed to strengths and weaknesses, indicating many problematic aspects in all dimensions.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAvaliação educacionalPercepçãoEstudantesFisioterapiaEducational measurementPerceptionStudentsPhysical therapy specialtyENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM::METODOS E TECNICAS DE ENSINOO ambiente educacional em um curso de fisioterapia: percepção discenteThe educational environment in a physiotherapy course: student perceptionDissertação