2017-08-102017-06-26SILVA, Neide Domingues da. Os advérbios com -mente e a forma (-)ment(e): um estudo relacionado à heterogeneidade adverbial. 2017. 243 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7662The main objective of this research is to investigate, in Modern Portuguese, the heterogeneity of the adverbs with -mente and the form (-)ment(e). We question the homogeneous categorization of the adverbs as “adverbial adjuncts”, included among the “accessory terms of the sentence” which, according to Faraco and Moura (1988, p. 328), “are not indispensable for the understanding of the statement” and, according to Nicola and Infante (1991, p. 280), “it is not in them that one finds the significant nucleus of the various parts that form the sentence”. We assume that adverbs constitute a heterogeneous category of words that can not be generalized either as “adjuncts” or as “accessories”. We base this study, on quantitative and qualitative descriptive character, especially in Quirk et al. (1985) and Kovacci (1999), who recognize the adverbial heterogeneity, respectively, in English and Spanish, postulates that allow to analyze adverbs in Modern Portuguese. Also, based on Karlsson (1981), we present reflections on the adverbs heterogeneity with -mente and the form (-)ment(e) in Latin and Neolatine languages. From the concept of “phrasal affix” (TORNER, 2005a), we compared -mente to other affixes in Modern Portuguese. Thus, we demonstrated -mente functional traits that allow its categorization as “almost affix” (TORNER, 2005a). Concerning this, according to Bechara (2009, p. 293), adverbs with -mente “are halfway, phonologically and morphologically, of derivation and composition”. In order to prove the heterogeneity of the adverbs with -mente, we have selected 165 adverbial occurrences with -mente in Letters to the Reader, from Veja Magazine, published from 2001 to 2015, allocated at <https://acervo.veja.abril.com.br/#/editions>. We described and analyzed these data from the adverbial adjunctivity tests proposed by Quirk et al. (1985). According to this theoretical support, we categorized the research data as adverbial adjunct (51,51%), adverbial subjunct (38,18%), adverbial disjunct (9,69%) and adverbial conjunct (0,62%). Thus, we concluded that the adverbs with -mente in Letters to the Reader, from Veja Magazine, function, predominantly, as an adverbial adjunct, more concrete, more lexical than the other parametrized adverbial categories. Besides this quantitative reflection, we recognized that the adverbs with -mente can subjectivate journalistic discourse, which is based on the premise of the objective placement of the facts. We also noted that adverbs with -mente are words formed by pseudoderivation, an oscillating process between derivation and composition. Therefore, we ratified our adverbial heterogeneity hypothesis, specially, in respect to -mente adverbs and the form (-)ment(e).application/pdfAcesso AbertoGramática descritivaHeterogeneidade adverbialAdvérbios com -menteDescriptive grammarAdverbial heterogeneityAdverbs with -menteLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAOs advérbios com -mente e a forma (-)ment(e): um estudo relacionado à heterogeneidade adverbialThe adverbs with -mente and the form (-)ment(e): a study related to adverbial heterogeneityTese