2021-02-052021-02-052020-11-10PIRES, D. S. Engajamento cultural e efervescência política no Brasil: a trajetória de Hugo Zorzetti e do Teatro Exercício entre 1972 e 1977. 2020. 191 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11085This paper brings a historical and interdisciplinary perspective about the theater in Goiânia after the imposition of the Institutional Act No. 5, which marks a period of clashes in the relationship between the artists and the dictatorship implanted with the 1964 civil-military coup. The research works with the historical fact that there was a process of political resistance through multiple discourses in the field of the arts. In Goiânia, the period of validity of the AI-5 marks the conflicting trajectory of the remaining youth group from TESE (Experimental Theater of the Secondary Student), which in 1973 became Chaos and later the Teatro Exercício Group, considered the greatest exponent among the groups the theater of Goiás at the time. This moment also corresponds to the symbolic and more politicized language of Hugo Zorzetti's dramaturgy, until 1977. Through a memorialistic study based on bibliography, documents and using interviews, we seek to understand the compatibility between the trajectory of Teatro Exercício and the process of current artistic resistance in the country. Thus, the main objective of this work is to understand how Teatro Exercício, as a group from the city of Goiânia that represented the works written by its main creator, Hugo Zorzetti, acted in the engagement scenario of the national theater, taking as a parameter, the trajectory of the groups Teatro de Arena and Teatro Oficina.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalTeatroTeatro ExercícioHistóriaPolíticaTeatro brasileiroTheaterExercise TheaterHistoryPoliticsBrazilian theaterCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASEngajamento cultural e efervescência política no Brasil: a trajetória de Hugo Zorzetti e do Teatro Exercício entre 1972 e 1977Cultural engagement and political effervescence in Brazil: the trajectory of Hugo Zorzetti and Teatro Exercício between 1972 and 1977Dissertação