2014-07-292011-12-302011-07-08DUARTE, Magali Saddi. English Teachers Continuing Education in Brazil: critical reflexive practice in focus. 2011. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1100This thesis is a bibliographic research linked to the Research Line Culture and Educational Processes. Its object of study is the epistemological presuppositions of continuing education of English teachers at the present time. For this purpose, the research began with a bibliographic investigation of studies related to projects and programs for the continuing education of English teachers in this country. It has as its base 18 texts of which one is a book, 14 are chapters from books and three are articles published in national periodicals linked to two Post-Graduate Programs, that is, Post-Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics of the Pontifícia Universidade de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and the Post-Graduate Program in Literature and Linguistics of the Faculty of Language and Literature (Letras) of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). The goal was to apprehend what the emphasis on the action of the English language teacher, postulated by the epistemology of practice, showed regarding the relationship between theory and practice in continuing education. More precisely, to what extent the rational procedure, operated by the epistemology of practice, would reference the theoretical knowledge of the English teacher. Based on dialectic materialism and the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School, it was verified that the lack of comprehension of the socio-historic aspects that permeate reality entails a limitation in the continuing education of the teacher and in the possibility of knowledge production. The current theoretical base for the continuing education of the teacher is rooted in the epistemological perspective of practice and presupposes an educational background based on practice with results appearing in narratives, discussions and argumentations. The analysis showed that the continuing education of the English teachers was based on a practical rationality expressing an instrumental rationality that operates in such a way as to dictate the teachers actions, the moments of reflection, the type of investigation adopted, the intervention of a researcher with a recognized mastery of the field of knowledge. This in turn substantiates a view based on practical actions and techniques for teachers continued education. The instrumental rationality shown reveals a break and continuity with the paradigm of technical rationality. Due to the impossibility of technical rationality being able to qualify teachers, reflective practice proposes a change that moves from technique to a reflection about and within practice.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação contínua de professoresRacionalidade prática formação de professoresProfessor reflexivo críticoTeachers Continued EducationPractical Rationality teachers educationCritical and reflective teacher1. Formação contínua de professores; 2. Racionalidade prática formação de professores; 3. Professor reflexivo críticoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOFormação contínua de professores de língua inglesa no Brasil: a prática reflexiva crítica em questãoEnglish Teachers Continuing Education in Brazil: critical reflexive practice in focusTese