2017-01-112016-12-09Silva-Neto, C. M. A importância das abelhas para a cultura do tomateiro. 2016. 115 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6708Improper use of pesticides is negative visiting bees of agricultural crops, reducing the gains in production resulting from pollination. There are no studies on the effect of fungicides on the bees that pollinate crops, and not only insecticides can cause negative effects bees. The tomato production, is that culture is widely carried out in greenhouses, a condition that reduces the use of pesticides, but generates the pollination deficit, reducing the production of fruit. Thus, the objectives of this study are to verify the pesticides used in tomato crop and the list of products with bees the influence of fungicides in the pollination of culture and bee management in protected environment. In this study there were three activities, first a case study with a survey of pesticides used in tomato plantation in Goianápolis, followed by experiment conducted in a greenhouse to check the pollination of tomato by stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata and last group experiments to verify effect repellency pollinators of tomato by different combinations of fungicides in the field and their respective fruit production, followed by the death of M. quadrifasciata bees in the laboratory with the use of fungicides. The use of 35 pesticides was found, and 40.5% only of the insecticide class, 32.4% are fungicides, 13.5% are miticides and insecticides and only two products used belong to class of fungicides and bactericides and herbicides. Regarding the toxicological classification of the products, 51.4% are classified as moderately toxic, however 17.14% are classified as extremely toxic and highly toxic, amounting to 34.38% for both groups and only 14.2% are classified as low toxicity. Thus, about 97% of the products used have some degree of danger in relation to the environment. 22 (62.85%) of the chemicals used in growing tomato show the dose lethal to A. mellifera, mostly represented by insecticides. As for pollination in the greenhouse, the fruits of tomatoes produced in greenhouses with the presence of bees showed a superiority of 15% in fresh weight and 41.1% in the number of seeds in relation to the fruits produced in an open environment. For tomato indeterminate growth, seed yield is 33% greater when the flower is pollinated and mass production of tomatoes reaches a 16% gain. The results show the relevance of the use of M. quadrifasciata directed pollination in the greenhouse. The mortality rate for M. quadrifasciata in 24 hours valuation was higher for copper hydroxide and Trifloxistrobin and Tebuconazole, being approximately 75% and 50%, respectively. Already Mancozeb, Bacillus subtilis and the witness did not differ among themselves. Thus, the more pesticide applications made on tomato flowers, fewer visits from bees flowers and consequentenente lower the amount of pollen grains deposited on stigmas, reflecting in fruit production.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAgrotóxicoFungicidasMelipona quadrifasciataMortalidadePolinizaçãoInseticidasPesticidesFungicidesMortalityPollinationInsecticidesCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIAA importância das abelhas para a cultura do tomateiroThe importance of bees for the tomato cropTese