2016-09-152016-03-15SILVA, C. G. A concepção de educação em Maurício Tragtenberg. 2016.120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6202This research bibliographic and qualitative features as the design theme of education in Mauricio Tragtenberg, with the problem the following: the practice of education in Mauricio Tra.gtenberg points to an anarchist conception or is aligned to a specific pedagogy non-directive? And having hypothesis, that the radical critique present in thought, in the works and the author of the act goes against the existing production and operation mode, so that its praxis in the teaching profession, suggests a conception of anarchist education. Using me the dialectical method in the construction of this work suggest the general objective to examine the works of this educator, aimed at discussion of the education category. Therefore, I propose to investigate biographical data, which fall within the context of his intellectual formation, in order to grasp his vision of man and world. I have in mind also analyze their criticism of the State, the school institution and its education system, and its practice in education. From this discussion it was inferred that his conception of education carries anarchist ideals that aim to provide men and women autonomy to ensure their freedom and, consequently, human dignity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducaçãoEscolaEstadoPedagogia burocráticaEducationSchoolStateIndividualBureaucracy pedagogyIndivíduoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAA concepção de educação em Maurício TragtenbergConception of education in Maurício TragtenbergDissertação