2024-01-312024-01-312024-01-12http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/13238The object of this study is the text expressed in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). As a corpus of analysis, we selected the short story O Boto Cor-de-rosa Surdo (The deaf pink dolphin) from the book entitled Onze histórias e um segredo: desvendando as lendas amazônicas (Eleven stories and a secret: unraveling Amazonian legends) (Sales, 2016). The aim of the research is to understand how the enunciating subject mobilizes textualization strategies in Libras in order to favor his persuasive project, guiding the overall meaning of the discourses manifested in this language, through effects of meanings articulated between the planes of expression and content. Based on Greimas (1973, 1975a, 1975b, 2017), Fontanille (2019), Fontanille and Zilberberg (2001) and Zilberberg (2006a; 2006b; 2007; 2011), the modulations made to the tense dynamics at both the discursive and textual levels of the short story selected as the corpus of application are described. The aim is to identify how the enunciator makes affective categories from the content level compatible with figures of speech, thus establishing semisymbolic structures. The aim is to discuss how these effects of meaning generate the enunciator's access to the values conveyed by the text. The repercussions of Greimas' semiotic project contribute to broadening investigations into the semantic aspects manifested in the signaled text. To this end, a qualitative, exploratory bibliographical study was carried out, whose data was examined using French semiotic methodology. The results of this study contribute mainly on two theoretical fronts. French semiotics reaffirms the viability of analyzing discourses expressed in sign languages. In addition, it offers studies focused on sign language linguistics the possibility of considering semiotics as a coherent and exhaustive theoretical-methodological framework for analyzing the rhythmic-accentual structures inherent in these languages. In addition, it is possible to identify three practical implications that concern the work of the professional translator and interpreter of Libras, the analysis of the practices and ways of life present in the cultural identity of the deaf community and, finally, the production of teaching resources and materials for learning the language and its literature. In this way, the aim is to establish a rapprochement between Libras and Semiotics, observing how the repercussions of Greimas' semiotic project contribute to broadening investigations into the semantic aspects manifested in signed text.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLibrasSemióticaEnunciaçãoTextualizaçãoSemissimbolismo tensivoBrazilian sign languageSemioticsEnunciationTextualizationTensive semisymbolismCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOAnálise semiótica do procedimento de textualização em Língua Brasileira de SinaisSemiotic analysis of the textualization procedure in Brazilian Sign LanguageDissertação