2014-07-292009-05-252008-11-07BITTENCOURT, Márcia Terezinha Brunatto. The presence de Jean François Douliez in music in Goiás. 2008. 193 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2697This thesis focuses on the life trajectory of the Belgian conductor Jean François Douliez, specifically the period in which he lived in Goiania, where, identifying himself with the cultural and musical needs, he served in a competent and multifaceted way, as an educator, arranger, composer, conductor and interpreter. Based on documents obtained in public and private collections and through interviews, the actions of the conductor in the musical area of the capital of Goias are reconstructed, since the first time that teaching music in Goiania was institutionalized in Goiás State School of Fine Arts - EGBA of which derived the Goias State Conservatory of Music and later the Goias State Federal University Conservatory of Music, current Goias State Federal University School of Music and Performing Arts - Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas da UFG. The conclusion shows the conductor Jean François Douliez as cultural stimulator and developer of one of the cultural identities of the capital of Goias State, proves his fundamental influence in the construction of musical identity of Goiania and his contribution towards the insertion and consolidation of Music in Goias and Goias State Federal Universityapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoMusica goianaDouliez, Jean FrançoisIdentidade musicalMusic goianaDouliez, Jean Françoismusical identify1.Douliez, Jean François - Goiânia(GO) 2. Musica goiana.CNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTES::MUSICAA PRESENÇA DE JEAN FRANÇOIS DOULIEZ NA MÚSICA EM GOIÁSThe presence de Jean François Douliez in music in GoiásDissertação