2022-06-152022-06-152022-05-25MORAIS, A. L. G. Avaliação de cimentos e técnicas de obturação no preenchimento de istmos radiculares usando um novo software de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. 2022. 76 f. Tese (Doutorado em Odontologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12120Aim: To evaluate the sealing ability of root isthmuses using different sealers and root canal filling techniques using a new Cone Beam Computed Tomography software (e-Vol DX). Methodology: 120 lower molars extracted from patients with indication for extraction were used. The teeth were divided into 6 groups according to the endodontic sealer and filling technique: G1: AH Plus® + lateral condensation technique (n=20), G2: AH Plus® + Tagger's hybrid technique (n=20), G3: AH Plus® + single cone technique (n=20), G4: BioRoot RCS + lateral condensation technique (n=20), G5: BioRoot RCS® + Tagger hybrid technique (n=20) and G7: BioRoot RCS® + single cone technique (n=20). The teeth were instrumented using the Wave One Gold® reciprocating system, irrigation performed with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and EDTA (using ultrasonic passive irrigation) and then all canals were filled according to the division of the groups. Sealing evaluation was performed using scores. Nonparametric statistics were used for its analysis and the description was performed by median, minimum and maximum. Mann Whitney test was used to compare the scores between the sealers and Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn-Bonferroni post hoc tests between the obturation techniques and groups. To compare scores obtained with and without Blooming Artifact Reduction (BAR) filter of e-Vol DX software, Wilcoxon test was used. Results: Results showed there was a significant difference in sealing lower molar isthmus using endodontic sealers studied in apical third with BAR (p=0.016), with scores being higher for AH Plus®. There were differences in sealing of lower molar isthmus using different filling techniques in middle and apical thirds. For middle third without BAR, difference was between single cone and Tagger's hybrid techniques (p=0.011) as well as for apical third without BAR (p<0.001). For middle third with BAR, difference was between single cone technique and lateral condensation (p=0.043) and Tagger hybrid (p=0.009) techniques. For apical third with BAR, the difference was between Tagger's hybrid technique and single cone (p<0.001) and lateral condensation (p=0.041) techniques. When comparing the sealing scores using different filling techniques and types of sealer, there were differences between G2 and G3 (p=0.015) and G2 and G6 (p=0.024) in apical third without BAR. Using BAR tool, statistical differences were as follows: in cervical third between G2 and G6 (p=0.023); in middle third, between G2 and G6 (p=0.072); in apical third, G6 had lower scores than G1 (p=0.046), G2 (p=0.002) and G5 (p=0.011) and G4 had lower scores than G2 (p=0.023). When comparing isthmus sealing scores with and without using BAR tool, there were significant differences, with higher values without using the tool, in all thirds. It is concluded that, when evaluating sealing ability of root isthmus using different sealers and filling techniques with e-Vol DX software, the best combination was the use of AH Plus and Tagger's hybrid technique. Using BAR filter of the eVol DX software in CBCT images showed more empty spaces in filling mass due to the reduction of white expansion, making tomographic image more reliable.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalMateriais de obturação do canal radicularTomografia computadorizada de feixe cônicoCimentos endodônticosCone beam computed tomographyObturação do canal radicularRoot canal filling materialsEndodontic sealersRoot canal obturationCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::ODONTOLOGIAAvaliação de cimentos e técnicas de obturação no preenchimento de istmos radiculares usando um novo software de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônicoEvaluation of sealers and obturation techniques in root isthmus filling using a new cone beam computed tomography softwareTese