2016-11-102016-09-30BORGES, A. L. S. Avaliação dos níveis de anti-HBs pós booster em crianças, após sete anos do esquema vacinal primário. 2016. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6488To evaluate the anamnestic response in children with decline of antibodies anti-HBs after seven years of primary vaccination, a booster dose of recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, produced by the Instituto Butantan, was carried out in a cohort with 78 children in Goiânia-GO. It was found that 100% of the children presented some level of anti-HBs and 88,5% of these has levels protectives (≥10mUI/ml). No socio-demographic factor was decisive for the development of protective titles. There was a correlation between high titer after primary immunization and after booster (Spearman corrrelation = 0.445; p = 0.001). The results show the effectiveness of the Brazilian vaccine against hepatitis B in medium term.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHepatite BAnticorpos anti-hepatite BImunizaçãoResposta de anticorposHepatitis BAntibodies anti-hepatitis BImmunizationAntibodies responseENFERMAGEM::ENFERMAGEM DE DOENCAS CONTAGIOSASAvaliação dos níveis de anti-HBs pós booster em crianças, após sete anos do esquema vacinal primárioEvaluation of anti-HBs levels after booster in children after seven years of primary vaccination scheduleDissertação