2021-12-302021-12-302021-11-29SODRÉ, Reges. Insegurança urbana e controle social: práticas espaciais e segregação em Araguaína -TO. 2021. 364 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11824The appropriation of places is not possible without the contribution of multiple senses that are socially constructed. One of them is insecurity, through which the social agents are constantly giving a sense of security and insecurity to those places. That construction of space is articulated in the immediate imaginary plan and it materialized through spatial practices. There are no imaginary practices without the mediation of values that could direct them and those are constituted by hierarchies. They become comprehensive when they are analyzed in the light of established relations in the social and geographical space. In heteronomous societies, the values are instrumentalized to domination and control. Bearing that theoretical-conceptual context, this work aims to comprehend the influence of urban insecurity in the spatial practices of the inhabitants and the restructuration of Araguaína city. Therefore, this work starts with the senses of insecurity constructed in the appropriation of the city, right to the control that they reveal in the field of social-spatial relations, being the segregation and the fragmentation its greatest spatial expression. For this, this work was made in four stages: first, the analysis of imaginaries of insecurity spread by the media; second, the identification of spatial practices of the residents; third, the analysis of control devices used for the insecurity “combat”: fourth, the analysis of public spaces formation and closed condominiums in Araguaína. In relation to the methodology, this research is based on a bibliographic revision, surveys of media information, data from Atlas da Violência, Araguaína city hall, and IBGE; also, fieldwork that implies observation, photographic reports, interviews, and mapping. Insecurity became one of the main components in the places’ construction for Araguainenses, intensified from the end of the first decade of this century. It is true that effectively from one side there was an increment of violence with the territorialization and conflict of national groups in the city referred to murders, from the other, occurred the extension of the media and social networks, the emergence of horizontal closed condominiums, the proliferation of popular sectors in the periphery apart to the social consolidated context, the emergence of new centralities and actions implanted by the city hall (e.g. the creation of municipality guards and a monitoring system in some strategic places cemented the perception that the risks increased). In a more abstract sense, this research reveals that insecurity works as a class device to legitimate socio-political actions of control and segregation. In the subjective aspect, the construction of places (safe/unsafe) is made by the presence/proximity of similar, justifying the adoption of distancing strategies without being any sense of guilt. The agents of the dominant elites and the local middle class get some fractions of the city in a selective manner and feed prejudices (spatial) for the poor periphery, where they have never gone before because poor people are stigmatized and humiliated, especially by the places that they live and visit. In the politic-economic context, insecurity is mobilized to justify the construction of condominiums, works or urban revitalization, creation of institutional arrangements, suffocation of social movements, plan control, and administration of the city. Even though the creation of public spaces (squares and parks) is segmented by the senses of safe/unsafe, avoiding that they effectively become public. Under insecurity is enshrined, in general, self-government and of the others, segregation and self-segregation.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalInsegurançaControleSegregaçãoEstigmatizaçãoAraguaínaInsecurityControlSegregationStigmatizationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIA::GEOGRAFIA HUMANAInsegurança urbana e controle social: práticas espaciais e segregação em Araguaína -TOUrban insecurity and social control: spatial practices and segregation in Araguaína -TOTese