2015-03-092014-10-31SILVA, O. J. A. P. da. Detecção de anomalias em aplicações Web utilizando filtros baseados em coeficiente de correlação parcial. 2014. 81 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4268Finding faults or causes of performance problems in modernWeb computer systems is an arduous task that involves many hours of system metrics monitoring and log analysis. In order to aid administrators in this task, many anomaly detection mechanisms have been proposed to analyze the behavior of the system by collecting a large volume of statistical information showing the condition and performance of the computer system. One of the approaches adopted by these mechanism is the monitoring through strong correlations found in the system. In this approach, the collection of large amounts of data generate drawbacks associated with communication, storage and specially with the processing of information collected. Nevertheless, few mechanisms for detecting anomalies have a strategy for the selection of statistical information to be collected, i.e., for the selection of monitored metrics. This paper presents three metrics selection filters for mechanisms of anomaly detection based on monitoring of correlations. These filters were based on the concept of partial correlation technique which is capable of providing information not observable by common correlations methods. The validation of these filters was performed on a scenario of Web application, and, to simulate this environment, we use the TPC-W, a Web transactions Benchmark of type E-commerce. The results from our evaluation shows that one of our filters allowed the construction of a monitoring network with 8% fewer metrics that state-of-the-art filters, and achieve fault coverage up to 10% more efficient.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDetecção de anomaliasSistemas distribuídos complexosCorrelação parcialFiltragem de métricasAnomaly detectionComplex distributed systemsPartial correlationMetric filteringCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::CIENCIA DA COMPUTACAODetecção de anomalias em aplicações Web utilizando filtros baseados em coeficiente de correlação parcialAnomaly detection in web applications using filters based on partial correlation coefficientDissertação