2014-07-292009-10-272009-06-04MATOS, Juscelina Bárbara Anjos. COSTURANDO MODA: Uma análise das práticas vestimentares femininas em Vitória da Conquista Ba (1950 1965). 2009. 209 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Processos e Sistemas Visuais, Educação e Visualidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2813As Durand (1988), the fashion is capricious matter, which invites us to speak of many things. Speaking in fashion is not only remember of the fashion designers and parades importants is mainly know how they dress ordinary people, as they do for follow the latest fashion and adapt it to their daily lives. It's talk, as objective is of this study, as was the behavior of fashion of the women in Vitória da Conquista-BA between the years 1950 and 1965; of how fashion is related to the lives of these women who live far from large cities, in a period of limited resources and access to information in more limited of fashion. We talking about, too, as the women's from there of different social classes were wearing at this time. Not just talking about the lady of society, but talking about how the worker, the seller of the little store the corner, a housewife, a seamstress is related to fashion. We still talk as the vestiment practices are closely related to the role that women was doing in the season. We show which were the main influencers of fashion in the city, as magazines, parades, competitions of beauty and social events. We seek to retract who were the main seamstresses local, shopping areas and how the binomial production/consumption constitute itself in marks symbolic of distinction. The approach adapted in this investigation have how sustentation the methodology of historical research where we are privilege the analysis of photographic images, anchored in oral history and analysis of other secondary documents as newspapers and magazines of time. Of crossing of the photographic document whit other fonts complementary is that we can rebuild the social practices and vestiment practices of them.application/pdfAcesso AbertoModaMulherPráticas VestimentaresFashionwomanvestiment practices1. Moda - Vitória da conquista (BA) 1950/1965 2. Mulheres Vestimentas História - Vitória da conquista (BA)CNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTESCOSTURANDO MODA: Uma análise das práticas vestimentares femininas em Vitória da Conquista Ba (1950 1965)Dissertação