2017-03-032017-02-17RODRIGUES, P. C. A produção textual no ensino médio: os documentos oficiais de ensino, o livro didático e a prova de redação do ENEM. 2017. 204 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6883According to the low performance achieved by a significant number of participants in writing texts, such as ENEM, this thesis aims to verify the theoretical-methodological guidelines, for the teaching text production, held in the main official teaching documents, have repercussions on the textual production proposals of the textbooks of Portuguese Language in High School. In order to do so, we analyzed the proposals for the production of texts presented by two Portuguese textbooks which are most widely used in the country in 2015, by students of the public teaching system: Português linguagens (CEREJA & MAGALHÃES, 2013) and Novas Palavras (AMARAL, et al, 2013).It is a qualitative-quantitative-interpretative research, based on the sociointeractionist theory of teaching, proposed by Bakhtin / Volochinov (1992, 2003), more specifically, in his concepts about interaction and discourse genres. In addition, the theoretical framework of research is composed by scholars like Dolz and Schneuwly (2004), Geraldi (1984, 1991), Marcuschi (2008), among others. The analyzes of the text l production text proposals on these manuals revealed significant differences between the two textbooks: the Português Linguagens book considers almost all the theoretical and methodological orientations of the PCNEM, etc. for the teaching of the textual production. Furthermore, it proposes the teaching of a variety of discursive genres, which allows not only a broader formation to the learner, but also favors the formation of the competent writers of texts. In the Novas Palavras book, these theoreticalmethodological orientations or the ‘conditions of the text production' are, practically, ignored in the commands of the textual proposal productions, since it prevails, on this manual, practices of text writings, almost exclusively, for the accomplishment of tests of the vestibular exams and the writing test of ENEM. Because of this, we believe that the way this book proposes the teaching content does not favor the formation of the competent writer of texts The analyzes of these manuals also point to the need for a greater commitment to the part of the authors of didactic books, regarding the way these books have been altered or updated, over the years, from one edition to another. Finally, the investigations revealed the existence of a significant number of teachers who, despite the theoretical and methodological guidelines of the official teaching documents, still choose to work with the teaching of this content, having as support the didactic books materials which ignore the conditions of text production.application/pdfAcesso AbertoProdução textualEnsino médioDocumentos oficiais de ensinoLivro didáticoProva de redação do ENEMText productionHigh schoolOfficial teaching documentsDidactic-bookThe test of ENEM writingLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTESA produção textual no ensino médio: os documentos oficiais de ensino, o livro didático e a prova de redação do ENEMTextual production in high school: the official teaching documents the didactic book and the writing test of the ENEMTese