2014-07-292009-05-272006-12-11PINTO JÚNIOR, Rafael Alves. OS AZULEJOS DE PORTINARI COMO ELEMENTOS VISUAIS DA ARQUITETURA MODERNISTA BRASILEIRA. 2006. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Processos e Sistemas Visuais, Educação e Visualidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2773Turning the glance back to the Brazilian Architecture production carried out between the 1930s- 40s means to have the opportunity of seeing a kind of atemporal conception, which once re-visited, may allow the reflection and production of a self Architecture, strong enough to absorb the external influences without being dominated by them. In this piece of work, the object of study is the resource of Azulejaria , used as a resource for visual composition of environments, legitimating the discourse of that Architecture. It is not expected to analyze the whole production of 1930s-40s above mentioned, but finding throughout the most important buildings where Azulejaria was used, the aesthetic values proposed by that kind of Architecture. For that, it is made use of the convergences among Portinari, Costa and Niemeyer work. Starting from the understanding of the ambience concept concerned about Brazilian Modernism, methodologically, it is tried to relate the concepts, so that it becomes possible to comprehend the relation among the spaciousness, pictorial or architectonical. Azulejaria, as a resource of visual legit, allows understanding not only the spatiality seen from the light of an interdisciplinary approach, but also clarify the consequences of this procedure in the subsequent Architecture, according to the framework which it was delimited. The understanding of Azulejaria as a symbolical element that refers to the National Property work, also allows, according to my way of seeing, a fundamental information as reference to the psychological and artistic aspects involved in the Azulejaria Architecture composition process. As being considered a legit resource of Brazilian Architecture discourse, Azulejaria has had great consequences in the development of Architecture after Pampulha inauguration at the end of the 1940s, and it has attracted a glance towards Brazil in a historical circumstance, which it was, actually, a concomitant necessity to the peripheric countries of finding a cultural identity at the first half of the XXth centuryapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoArquitetura Modernista Brasileira, azulejaria, PortinariModernist Brazilian Architecture, Azulejaria, PortinariCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTES::ARTES PLASTICASOS AZULEJOS DE PORTINARI COMO ELEMENTOS VISUAIS DA ARQUITETURA MODERNISTA BRASILEIRADissertação