2015-01-192014-07-09CARNIELLO, Luciana Barbosa Candido. Políticas de formação continuada de professores: um estudo de caso da rede municipal de ensino de Anápolis. 2014. 144 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3914This work, entitled Politics of Continuing Education of Teachers: a study of case of the Anápolis Municipal Education Network, is inserted in the research line State, Politics and Education History, of the Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of Goiás. It is about a research characterized as a quali-quantitative study of case, a documental, empirical research, whose main objective was to analyse the public policies of continuing education offered to the instructor of this teaching network by the formative actions developed by the Anápolis Formation Centre of Education Professionals (Cefope, in Portuguese), the main environment of concretizing of these public policies in the city and the very locus of our research. Such investigation was given under the optics of the national guidelines for continuing Education offered to them. The specific objectives of this work were: identifying the actions of continuing education executed in the Anápolis Municipal Network of Education (in Portuguese, Rmea) and relating them to what is preconized in federal level; analysing the profile of the teachers of Rmea concerning the frequency, conclusion and participation or not in the Cefope courses; analysing the case of the teachers which already got the maxima workload which is required to the entitlement predicted in the Statute and Plan of Carrier and Remuneration of the Anápolis Public, Municipal Training of Teachers, their relation with the continuing education, their working locus and the way how it is concretized in the policy of public incentive to the continuing education in Rmea and relating the continuing education which is realized in Cefope to the guidelines of continuing education of the federal government. The documental research was based in the Cefope archives; in the Statute and Plan of Carrier and Remuneration of the Anápolis Public, Municipal Training of Teachers and in all the electronic archives of the Education Ministry (in Portuguese, MEC), Official Union Diary, Civil Cabinet and the Legislation Virtual Portal of the Federal Government. The empirical research was materialized by the application of questionnaires in all the 65 schools which has the early series of Rmea, totalizing 685 professors, and objecting to investigate the evaluation of these ones concerning the actions of continued education of Cefope. From this total of teachers, 590 answered the questionnaires, there is, we worked with a data analysis arising from 86% of the active teachers of the initial series of Rmea. The results of the research indicate a scenario of disputes, in a federal level, concerning the proposals of standardizing of continuing education. In the context of the city of Anápolis, the policies of continuing formation of teachers are being materialized almost completely in Cefope, and this fact brings some positive and some contradictory aspects to the matter, both stated in our work, as, for example, the fact that some Rmea teachers reach the maxima entitlement without having ever concluded a course in this formation centre. The research revealed the way how the continuing education offered by Cefope is seen by its audience: the teachers of Rmea. Furthermore, it also signalized some intersections between the formation policies developed in Rmea and what is preconized in the federal level.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação continuada de professoresCefopeRmeaContinuing teachers educationCefopeRmeaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOPolíticas de formação continuada de professores: um estudo de caso da rede municipal de ensino de AnápolisPolitics of continuing education of teachers: a study of case of the Anápolis municipal education networkDissertação