2020-03-242020-02-27TEIXEIRA, A. C. Identificação de assinaturas de seleção e variações no número de cópias em bovinos da raça Curraleiro Pé-Duro. 2020. 32 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10464The use of new molecular technologies in animal production has grown significantly in recent years, as it allows us to understand the genetic architecture of the traits of interest. Thus, the present work aimed to identify the selection signatures and the copy number variations (CNVs) present in Curraleiro Pé-Duro (CPD), in order to identify genes related to the productive and adaptive capacity of this breed. For this purpose, Illumina® BovineHD BeadChip genotypes of 120 CPD cattle from 20 different properties were used. For selection signature detection, the quality control of SNPs was performed based on the SNP and sample call rate equal to or greater than 90% and SNPs with minor allelic frequency less than 3% using the software Plink. The construction of chromosomal haplotypes was performed using the Beagle software. Signatures were identified by the following methodologies: Haplotype Integration Score (iHS), Extended Haplotype Homozygosis (EHH) and Long Range Haplotype Test (LRH). The identification of CNVs was performed using PennCNV software, adjusting the Guanine and Cytosine (GC) content of a 500 base pair (bp) genomic window. Quality control was performed using LRR standard deviation less than 0.3, BAF standard deviation less than 0.01 and wave factor less than 0.05, samples with more than 150 CNVs and markers smaller than 5,000 bp has been removed. The identification of selection signatures proved to be effective in identifying genomic regions associated with production traits, and they are mainly related to adaptability, as they are related to thermotolerance and disease resistance. CNVs are in regions of the genome that harbor genes related to thermotolerance, reproduction and negative energy balance. The results found in both studies reinforce regions of the BTA 20 chromosome as potential candidates for the selection of these characteristics.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAdaptabilidadeEHHiHSRaças localmente adaptadasResistênciaEHHiHSLocally adapted breedsAdaptabilityPRODUCAO ANIMAL::CRIACAO DE ANIMAISIdentificação de assinaturas de seleção e variações no número de cópias em bovinos da raça Curraleiro Pé-DuroIdentification of selection signatures and variations in the number of copies in Curraleiro Pé-Duro cattleDissertação