2018-10-012018-08-31BORBA, M. M. O programa brasileiro de biodiesel e a produção de mamona na agricultura familiar em duas regiões do semiárido nordestino. 2018. 51 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8929We present an analysis of the income variation of castor bean producers in the Microregion of Irecê -BA and Meso-region Sertões Cearenses, respectively, in the period from 2000 to 2015. We aimed to evaluate several indicators within the PNPB associated to socioeconomic attributes (price, yield and area) and its contribution to gross income variation of castor bean producers in these regions; and to explain the dynamics of competition for agricultural area in the PNPB context, related to the castor bean crops in the refions that took part of the research. We used shift-share as an empirical strategy, assessing the role of Price, Income and Area to measure the effects of the gross income variations. We also identified whether the Price Effect have caused impacts on food security, by means of the scale and substitution effects. The results showed that the Yield Effect was the major responsible for the variation of the gross income of the castor bean producers in the Irecê-BA. As for the Meso-region Sertões Cearenses - CE, negative Income effect and positive Area were the must important to gross income sources. Results also pointed out that food crops were replaced by nonfood crops in Irecê, but this was not the case in the Sertões Cearenses.application/pdfAcesso AbertoShift-shareUso da terraSegurança alimentarLand useFood securityCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIAO programa brasileiro de biodiesel e a produção de mamona na agricultura familiar em duas regiões do semiárido nordestinoThe brazilian biodiesel program and the production of castor oil in family agriculture in two regions of the northeastern semi-aridDissertação