2021-09-242021-09-242021-02-25SILVA, M. L. R. Onde terminam as cercas? Escolarização e organização social camponesa em Porangatu-GO. 2021. 215 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11651The aim of this dissertation consists in issue of urban schooling of children, adolescents and young settled peasants in Porangatu (a city located in the North of the Brazilian state of Goiás). Produced from an ethnographic research in PA Salvador Allende (Settlement Project), the present work reflected how these subjects resignify through urban coexistence in / by the school and how this is related to peasant social reproduction. From an exclusionary inclusion process, the urban schooling contributed to the intensification of agrarian inequalities, while marginalizing the peasant migrant to the city. Constituting as the continuation of the subordination of these subjects throughout different historical movements, the concept of enclosure used in this work related to this process of subordination, how it is configured as metabolism for the maintenance of the agrarian structure. In this way, urban schooling is configured as a process of peasant enclosure, a measure that acts directly on the continuity of the agrarian structure, intensifying the agrarian inequalities. In view of this, the chapters of this dissertation search to 1) present the historical movements that compose and structure as agrarian inequalities in Porangatu, locating the settlers within a moving history; 2) describe the ways of doing, the tactics and the daily difficulties, locating in the routine of the settled families the resignifications that urban schooling produced; 3) contrasting the enclosures experienced by them and, therefore, defend the country side education as a potential to break the fences and create a countryside project that will reduce inequalities.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAssentadosCercamentoEducação do campoNorte de GoiásSettlementsEnclosureCountryside educationNorth of GoiásCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMOnde terminam as cercas? Escolarização e organização social camponesa em Porangatu-GOWhere do the enclosure end? Schooling and peasant social organization in Porangatu-GODissertação