2014-07-292011-06-022010-03-04NASCIMENTO, Diego Tarley Ferreira. Use of remote sensing techniques and geoprocessing in multitemporal analysis of heat island phenomenon in the municipality of Goiânia- Go (1986/2010). 2010. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1860The growth of economic activities and development of technologies provided a strong process of urban growth that has resulted in a range of environmental impacts. Among these environmental problems, the study highlights the change in local climate - urban climate. In urban climate is possible to see differences in climatic factors as the influence of soil cover. It should be noted that simultaneously the spatial behavior of temperature is revealed as the most important element in this complex system, whose main product the phenomenon of "islands heat. " In this context, this dissertation has as objective General conduct a comparative analysis of the historical evolution of heat islands in Goiânia, capital of Goias, in relation to urban growth and consequent changes in land cover, having as a time period 1986 to 2010, making use of remote sensing data to estimate the land surface temperature and geospatial technologies. For this, staff from the Landsat satellite images for five mapping procedures soil cover by lifting the thermal field, which in the former procedure, performed an automatic classification software Envi 4.5, defining classes land cover: Land Cover, Water Bodies, and Urbanized Area Agriculture, and the second procedure, performed the conversion of images thermal infrared data for land surface temperature using the IDRISI version Taiga, through the "thermal module. Based on the data and analysis, we could confirm that surface temperatures on Earth showed a certain pattern of spatial variation, and especially temporal, as the different ground covers. While higher temperatures - reaching 36 ° C - occur in a higher proportion of urbanized areas, temperatures over bland - starting from 19 ° C - are most frequently recorded in areas covered by coverage vegetation and water bodies. Temporal variation in the urban areas have higher positive change for the decrease in the presence of low levels. That shows how these areas are most affected by the intensification of the phenomenon of heat islands. While that there is the significant role of green areas and water bodies as elements effective in alleviating this problem.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSensoriamento RemotoGeoprocessamentoIlhas de Calor.Remote SensingGeoprocessingHeat Island1.Sensoriamento Remoto 2. Geoprocessamento 3. Ilhas de CalorCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAEmprego de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de geoprocessamento na análise multitemporal do fenômeno de ilhas de calor no município de Goiânia-GO (1986/2010).Emprego de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de geoprocessamento na análise multitemporal do fenômeno de ilhas de calor no município de Goiânia-GO (1986/2010).Use of remote sensing techniques and geoprocessing in multitemporal analysis of heat island phenomenon in the municipality of Goiânia- Go (1986/2010)Use of remote sensing techniques and geoprocessing in multitemporal analysis of heat island phenomenon in the municipality of Goiânia- Go (1986/2010)Dissertação