2021-10-152021-10-152011COTRIM, R. G. P. M. Romwaihku Akwẽ-Xerente, português, english: diálogo intercultural no ensino-aprendizagem do inglês (L3) para professores indígenas. 2011. 305 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11690In this paper I discuss the process of teaching-and-learning of English (L3) to Brazilian native teachers, approaching the teaching of English through Inglês Intercultural, complementary study of Curso de Licenciatura Intercultural de Formação Superior de Professores Indígenas (an Intercultural Indigenous Teachers Training Course) at Universidade Federal de Goiás. The teaching of English, in this context, occurs in multilingual classrooms, mostly composed of bilingual speakers, as the Akwe-Xerente teachers (Xerente-Portuguese speakers). In the theoretical framework, I draw attention to studies on intercultural bilingual education, with regard to indigenous education, as well as those that see the possibility of building a dialogical and an intercultural education in the teaching-learning of second and / or third languages. In this context, I present a background of Curso de Licenciatura Intercultural, showing its axis and the pedagogical principles of the Course. Then, I present the Inglês Intercultural of Curso de Licenciatura Intercultural as well as expose the concepts of 'text' and 'reading' used in English language lessons. Therefore, I stress the importance of contextualizing the text to the context, to the words, and to the sounds, as proposed in Freire‟s methodology, emphasizing thus the importance of context, writing and orality in the teaching of English as L3. For this process of teaching-and-learning of English, within which several languages and cultures coexist, in the same classroom, it was necessary the development of (at least) a trilingual knowledge base. This trilingual knowledge base includes the study of sounds (Phonology) and the processes of word formation (Morphology) of Akwe Xerente, Portuguese and English, in order to think the teaching-and-learning of English reflecting upon the sociolinguistic reality and the exchanging of linguistic-cultural knowledge of the subjects involved in this process. By the end, I exhibit the contextual themes present in the teaching materials used from Inglês Intercultural I to Inglês Intercultural VII, demonstrating the approach used in the teaching of English as well as expose some of the material produced by the indigenous teachers.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLíngua Akwẽ-Xerente (Jê)Língua inglesaLíngua portuguesaMultilinguismoEducação bilíngue interculturalAkwẽ-Xerente (Gê)EnglishPortugueseMultilingualismIntercultural bilingual educationLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRASRomwaihku Akwẽ-Xerente, português, english: diálogo intercultural no ensino-aprendizagem do inglês (L3) para professores indígenasDissertação