2018-09-212018-08-27FIRMINO, J. G. A. Amigos e guildas: performance, mídia e agência em MMORPGs. 2018. 280 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8896The present study aims to explore the relationship between digital games, game communities and the agency for creating social bonds and emerging behaviors in interactive digital media: video games. To do so, we rely on Victor Turner’s concepts of liminality and communitas, as well as Richard Schechner's concepts of transport/transformation and I-not-I, and link them to Janet Murray's and Brenda Laurel’s definitions of games and video games, among others and recent publications about media working on such concepts as Ian Bogost's procedural rhetoric and Henry Jenkins' narrative architecture. We argue that through agency, video games allow players to create lasting and real bonds with each other, and to create and interpret meanings about the world around them and about themselves. For this, we are based on the play concepts of Johan Huizinga and Eugen Fink. To do so, we conducted a field survey in the MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online accompanying a group of five players in their online activities over three months. We had as methodological base the digital ethnography of Robert Kozinets, the mechanism of Jon Elster and the study of behavior and facades of Erving Goffman. In this way, we were able to trace the profile and analyze the actions of our subjects and it was possible to conclude that they have in fact developed significant and lasting affective ties in the digital space without face-to-face contact with the other players. This study also allowed us to look at the social challenges a novice player undergoes in embarking on a massive online game as well as better delineate what motivates veteran players to continue playing. Thus, we argue that this study demonstrates the relevance of cultural performance studies as a theoretical-methodological framework for the study of the field of video games specifically and of social media in general. In addition, we believe that the results and data obtained in this research open windows to new issues in the field of digital media and especially for social studies and discourse analysis focused on video games in general and online video games in particular.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPerformances culturaisVídeo gamesMMORPGMídiasComunicaçãoPerformance studiesVideo gamesMMORPGMediaCommunicationCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOAmigos e guildas: performance, mídia e agência em MMORPGsFriends and guilds: performance, media and agency in MMORPGsDissertação