2015-03-132012-06-14SANTOS, R. R. Análise crítica das ações pedagógicas dos professores Apyãwa/Tapirapé graduandos do curso de Licenciatura Intercultural da Universidade Federal de Goiás. 2012. 143 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4285This paper seeks to understand the school education of the people Apyãwa / Tapirapé since the formation of the Degree of Intercultural Federal University of Goiás This is an analysis of pedagogical actions that Apyãwa teachers, undergraduates of that course, have been developing in school. The study is based upon the following research problem: How Apyãwa school education has emerged from the pedagogical practices of teachers in training at the Licence Degree in Intercultural Federal University of Goiás? The constitution of the research, qualitative ethnographic, included the analysis of terms on stage of 15 teachers/undergraduates – the main instrument – participant observation, field journaling, recording videos and interviews. The analysis is based on three authors that encourage discussion of the epistemology of the south: Paulo Freire, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Ubiratan D'Ambrosio. The historic of school education Apyãwa is exploited at work, seeking to contextualize how the subjects have moved in favor of a new school, guided by the wishes of the community. Orality, writing, and its relations with the school Apyãwa emerge as important aspects of the research. Three categories of analysis emerge from the research: the role of school culture Apyãwa; the stage as a mediator of the revitalization and strengthening of cultural practices, the political role of the teacher in the community. It is evident appreciation of the traditional customs of the people in order to revitalize them, to promote the strengthening of culture through pedagogical activities. Moreover, there is the growing political role that these teachers/undergraduates are taking inside and outside the community.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPovo Apyãwa/TapirapéEducação escolar indígenaEscola Apyãwa/TapirapéAções pedagógicasPeople Apyãwa/TapirapéIndigenous schoolingSchool Apyãwa/TapirapéPedagogical actionsMATEMATICA::MATEMATICA APLICADAAnálise crítica das ações pedagógicas dos professores Apyãwa/Tapirapé graduandos do curso de Licenciatura Intercultural da Universidade Federal de GoiásCritical analysis of teachers pedagogical actions Apyãwa/Tapirapé graduates of the Intercultural Federal University of Goiás degree courseDissertação