2016-12-162016-11-22ROCHA, F. G. C. Alocação de recursos em redes sem fio OFDM multiusuário utilizando modelagem multifractal adaptativa. 2016. 241 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6617In this work, in order to describe network traffic characteristics, such as long-range dependence among samples, self-similarity and multiscale behavior, we propose a Multifractal Adaptive Model based on a multiscale cascade in the Wavelet Domain. We compare the proposed model performance with those of other models presented in the literature. It is also proposed an envelope process for the network traffic that takes into account parameters of the Multifractal Adaptive Model. Furthermore, we derive an equation in order to estimate the buffer overflow probability for both a simplified communication system with a single server, single queue and finite buffer, and to a wireless network multiuser scenario based on OFDM technology. To this end, we consider the service curve of the round-robin scheduling algorithm of the OFDM network. Taking into account the envelope process and the service curve we obtain, through the Network Calculus theory, the maximum delay experienced by users of the OFDM network. Moreover, assuming a similar network scenario to an LTE network, we propose a joint channel-aware and queue-aware resource scheduling algorithm. Based on the presented scheduler, we propose a minimum service curve for the LTE user and through this we propose an approach to accomplish maximum delay guarantee.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMultifractalTráfego de redeCálculo de redeCurva de serviçoProcesso envelopeProbabilidade de transbordo do bufferRetardoOFDMLTEMultifractalNetwork trafficNetwork calculusService curveEnvelope processBuffer overflow probabilityDelayOFDMLTECIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::CIENCIA DA COMPUTACAOAlocação de recursos em redes sem fio OFDM multiusuário utilizando modelagem multifractal adaptativaResource allocation for multiuser OFDM wireless networks based on adaptive multifractal modelingTese