2020-04-082020-02-27MORAIS, Leonardo Pereira de. Classificação de sentimentos em texto com definição de perfis de usuários móveis para redes de próxima geração. 2020. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10501The accelerated growth of applications and scenarios with different requirements and characteristics, has leveraged the demand for a mobile Internet service with better performance in the next generation of wireless and mobile networks (5G and 6G networks), at the same time that the network resources like spectrum does not increase in the same proportion. Therefore, achieving quality and good experience for users of futuristic mobile networks becomes a challenging task. Technologies of softwarization aim to flexible the wireless networks and transformed them into more versatile networks, helping to minimize the challenges of the next generations. The study of user behavior enables defining profiles of mobile users, allowing take full advantage the versatility for next generation wireless networks. The influence of feeling in the use of wireless and mobile networks is few investigated in definition of the profile of the mobile user. This work aims to define profiles of wireless users of the next generation using sentiment classification in texts from WhatsApp using deep neural networks and Lexicon approach for this task. Results presented in Lexicon of higher feelings as RNP in the task of classification of feelings in text, obtaining as accuracy values for positive and negative classes of 78% and 72%, respectively.As the result of the Association Rules for the first proposed scenario presents inconclusive results. In the second scenario, the results show a strong relationship between feeling and data consumption, a relationship present in 51.8% of users. Thus, to characterize a profile that has a tendency towards high data consumption with a positive feeling with a confidence of 83%.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRedes 5GAnálise de sentimentosPerfis de usuáriosRedes sem fio de próxima geraçãoProcessamento de linguagem natural5G networksSentiment analysisUser profilesNext generation wireless networksNatural language processingCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::CIENCIA DA COMPUTACAOClassificação de sentimentos em texto com definição de perfis de usuários móveis para redes de próxima geraçãoText sentiment rating for user profiling in 5g networksDissertação