2019-05-102019-03-26OLIVEIRA, Luzia Conceição da Silva. O poder pastoral e a análise da biopolítica a partir de Foucault. 2019. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9598We analyze in this dissertation how it was possible that Christian practices were linked to the political sphere, serving as the basis for the composition of a set of procedures for the government of men and the population. We also examined how pastoral power made it possible for the political power to appropriate its techniques, which were once only directed to the spiritual direction of individuals and which also formed part of the mechanisms of political administration of the population. To that end, we sought to verify the notion of pastoral power and its relation to the concept of biopolitics in Foucault, having as its base text the work Security, Territory, Population, course given in the Collège de France (1977-1978). Pastoral power, as an "art of man government", made possible the emergence of biopolitics, a new technology of power, serving not only as a model, with respect to the appropriation of his techniques of government over men, but also to the destitution of the political man for the emergence of a servile, obedient and docile man. For Foucault, the mechanisms currently used for the control of man as a species were developed within the pastoral power. We deal with the pastoral power in Foucauldian analysis, about how the relation with the figure of the pastor occurred over time until it had crystallized with Christianity in the figure of the provider, of the one who watches and cares. We try to analyze how biopolitics launches its roots and how it spreads in human life, taking proportions never before imagined. In the relationship between Christianity and biopolitics, we sought to understand how biopolitics finds in Christian power an appropriate ground for development, using its technologies and how the notion of government is transformed in an art of governing.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCristianismoBiopolíticaGovernoChristianityBiopoliticsGovernmentFILOSOFIA::ETICAO poder pastoral e a análise da biopolítica a partir de FoucaultThe pastoral power and biopolitics  analysis as of FoucaultDissertação