2020-01-212019-09-30REZENDE, M. D. S. Grupoquatro: trajetória profissional na arquitetura e no urbanismo (1972-1990). 2019. 148 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto e Cidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10312This dissertation presents a study about the professional trajectory of GRUPOQUATRO. The temporal clipping is from 1972 to 1990, also as a criterion for the selection of production, public and institutional projects in the cities of Goiânia and Palmas. As a special reference for the architecture goiana, it is expected to insert the team's production in a regional and national scope, from which local production cannot be dissociated. This work aims fundamental for throw bases for understanding the work and to provide subsidies for future research. The foundation of this office occurred in 1972, a society composed by architects Luiz Fernando Cruvinel Teixeira, Solimar Neiva Damasceno and Walmir Santos Aguiar, graduated from the University of Brasília (UnB) in 1968, and Walfredo Antunes de Oliveira Filho, the latter formed by Catholic University of Goiás in 1974, later incorporating other associates. One of the most striking features of this team was the concomitant on the scale projects production of building and city. GRUPOQUATRO worked mainly in the city of Goiânia, in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, after the project of the city of Palmas (1988) and due to the prestige that the office received with this feat, the project of the last capital of Brazil, conquering projects in other states, going beyond the cerrado of goiano. In this work four moments along this trajectory were characterized, linked to Brutalism, Prefabrication, Urban Scale and Monumentality, divided into two chapters and cities, Goiânia and Palmas. In the city of Goiânia, where the office followed its first paths, five projects were selected: the SESI Activities Center - Vila Canaã (1974), Goiás State Trade Federation (1983-1985), Papillon Hotel (1983-1987) and the Bus Terminal (1985-1986), linked to Brutalism and the Municipal Market (1984-1986), linked to Prefabrication. Palmas, was the watershed in the career of this office and a chapter apart in its history, a rare opportunity won by them. However, three projects were analyzed in the city of Palmas, one urban that corresponds to the project of the city of Palmas (1988-1990) and the other two are architectural projects, the Legislative Assembly (1990) and the Court of Justice (1990), both state buildings. The trajectory of the GRUPOQUATRO office brings with it lessons in architecture and urbanism.application/pdfAcesso AbertoGRUPOQUATROGoiâniaPalmasArquitetura brasileiraArquitetura modernaGRUPOQUATROGoiâniaPalmasBrazilian architectureModern architectureARQUITETURA E URBANISMO::PROJETO DE ARQUITETURA E URBANISMOGrupoquatro: trajetória profissional na arquitetura e no urbanismo (1972-1990)Groupquatro: professional trajectory in architecture and urbanism (1972-1990)Dissertação